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The snowfall wasn't as heavy anymore but the small specks of snow were still flowing in the air. Jin and Namjoon had woken up at 5am to begin their return back to Seoul and Namjoon's parents were definitely a little sad.

"Call me!" Areum told her son, cupping his cheeks. "Even if it's to tell me about how boring work is I want to know." She teased, hugging her son again.

"You too Seok-ah." Daesoo agreed. "Call us any time for anything, even to just tell us about your day. You might not be our biological son but we consider you one either way." He chuckled as he hugged Seokjin hard too.

Jin smiled as he felt the older man hold him with such love. This might not have been his blood family but it was his family nonetheless. He wouldn't change any of this at all, just like he told Namjoon.

"Take care of my son." Areum whispered into the ravenette's ear as she hugged him tight too. "Love him a lot for me, okay? And make sure he loves you a lot too." She made him promise as she pulled back. Jin nodded, feeling his cheeks heat up. "Good boy."

"We'll come see you next year!" Jin humored from the window, waving an excited hand. Namjoon snorted, but also waved at his parents excitedly and a few seconds later they pulled out of the driveway.

They were going to be 2 hours on the road if not more because of the early morning commutes from workers. Jin didn't mind too much though, he was going to spend these travel hours with Namjoon. Yes, as awkward as things had gotten between them he still liked spending time with him.

"Traveling with Jin-hyung traveling with Jin-hyung~" Jin sing songed as he wiggled a jelly in front of Namjoon's face. "Want some? I bought the cherry kind at the supermarket yesterday." He said cutely. Namjoon nodded, taking the cherry gummy right into his mouth.

"It's a little too early to be eating sweets but mom won't know." The brunette giggled, as he glanced slightly at Jin. His eyes were straight on the road since he was the designated driver for the ride back. "They're also coming from you so how could I say no?" He teased, making Jin smile wide.

The sun was coming up already, making the sky beautiful shades of purple, pink, and orange. There was low music playing in the car, some girl group love song, and the car hummed lightly as they sped along the mostly empty highway - they still hadn't reached traffic yet. The atmosphere was romantic, Jin would dare say, quite and gentle, just each other's company. It made his heart do little flips, but he tried his best to act normal.

"Did you already get a head start packing?" The ravenette asked, crossing his legs on the seat as he stuffed some cherry jellies into his mouth.
Namjoon chuckled sheepishly and shook his head.

"I have not." He answered, his eyes crinkling up in a shy eye smile. "I was chasing you." He explained nonchalantly, the smile still remaining on his face as he drove.

Namjoon didn't even say it teasingly, there was no romantic intent behind those words, they were just an explanation. And yet...and yet Jin felt his heart going a mile a minute, he was almost afraid that Namjoon could hear too, but the brunette just stared ahead with the same smile on his face. How was it possible that such mundane words made Jin swoon, and swoon hard?

"Why do you look like that?" Namjoon questioned, his hand waving in front of his best friend's face as the car came to a halt from the newly formed traffic. They were getting closer and closer to Seoul.

"Like what?" Jin responded almost too quickly. He already knew there was a blush on his face and his ears were pink.

"You look flustered." Namjoon said, looking a little weirded out by his friend. "Did I say something weird?" He prodded, moving his hand to touch Jin's red ears.

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