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Jin was sorting through his closet of many, many different clothes. He really needed to get rid of some of his stuff, like some of these shirts and pants were all the way from college. And for one reason or another there was dress clothes from Namjoon?? Yeah, like two suits that belonged to Namjoon, but Jin should probably keep them there because of occasions like this.

By occasions like this I mean Jin was searching for something causal but fancy to wear to dinner. What made this dinner so special? Jin didn't really know because Jimin had just invited him saying that it was a more formal occasion. It was also so short notice because Jimin had told him just yesterday. It also wasn't Jimin or Hoseok's day to choose the hangout spot. The hangout spot was apparently their house.

Knock! knock!

"Oh!" Jin exclaimed as he came across a potential outfit. "Coming!" He told, trying to examine the shirt.

Yeah, five minutes went by and Jin had completely forgotten about the door. He was already modeling on the shirt, not noticing how his best friend had entered the room.

"That makes you look gay." Namjoon commented, flopping onto the only exposed part of the bed. The rest of the bed was completely taken over by clothes.

Jin turned around, unimpressed by Namjoon's comment.

"I might look gay, which is kind of true because I like men, but at least I don't look like a man in his 50s going through a mid life crisis." The eldest shot back, making Namjoon scowl.

"What is that supposed to mean?" He asked, slightly sitting up.

Jin looked back, changing out of the "gay" shirt. Namjoon looked completely clueless and also fashionably challenged at the moment. Jin continued to stare holes into Namjoon, but he didn't seem to know what his hyung was talking about.

"Are you shitting me, Nam?" Jin questioned.

"What?!" Namjoon asked.

"Didn't Jimin or Hoseok tell you about dinner tonight?" The eldest's asked, starting to get irritated.

Namjoon's face went blank and he fell back on the bed. A string of curses started to leave his mouth and then he got up, starting to pace around the room.

"What the fuck? I completely forgot!" Namjoon told as Jin just silently witnessed his friend freak out. "Hyung told me yesterday! How could I forget? And now I can't even go back home because - when is it?"

"At 8." Jin answered.

"It's gonna be at 8! I can't go home, shower, find an outfit, and drive back in 1 hour! It's 7 right now, fuck!" Namjoon exclaimed, confused as to why Jin did not care. "Hyung, why aren't you helping me find a solution?" He questioned.

Jin snorted, walking over to the closet. He pulled out one of the 3 suits that belonged to Namjoon. Gingerly, he hung them, letting Namjoon take a good look. But again, Namjoon did not take the hint.

"I found these 3 when going through my closet." Jin told. "I don't know why they're here, but pick one, go take a goddamn shower and stop freaking out because I know my neighbors can hear you."

Namjoon was instantly relieved and started unbuttoning his shirt.

"Thank you, hyung." He thanked. "I mean it's weird that you have three of my suits but thank you very much. I wub you~" he teased, causing Jin to throw a towel at him.

20 minutes later and the two were finishing getting ready. Since Jin had saved Namjoon's, the youngest was driving, so the two were now making their way to Ji-hope's house. The whole way there they bet on what the event was, maybe it was that they were getting a new house or one of the was promoter. Jin was the one that bet the largest bet, he assumed that they were taking the next step in their relationship. But that guess was mostly a joke.

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