3 | the motel room

Start from the beginning

"Just be so careful, John B." JJ teases, mocking Kie as they walk up the stairs of the building. "What the hell was that about?"

"Maybe she wants us to be careful?" John B suggests, unsure of the meaning himself. "Right, Red?"

"I mean, she specifically said it to you." Delilah states. "But maybe it's because JJ and I aren't particularly the best influences."

"Think about it, guys. Ever since she heard you're being threatened with exile, she's been just been like 'Oh! Be so careful, John B'." JJ mocks, rubbing the boys shoulder only to be shrugged off. "'Just give me that John D already'. When are you swoop on that?"

"Bro, you know the rule. No Pogue-on-Pogue macking." John B reminds. "Besides, you can't exactly talk—"

"This is it." Delilah states, interrupting the boys before they can continue rambling on.

"Housekeeping!" JJ says, his voice high-pitched as he knocks on the door.

There's a moment of silence as the three stand there and wait to listen for some form of sound on the other side of the door. All they need is for a hint of a living person being in the room. However, nothing can be heard.

"Should we try it?" John B asks.

JJ nods. "Yeah. No power. No security cameras. No one's gonna know."

John B looks at Delilah for approval since she's joining the both of them in searching the room. A small nod is only given in response. He then inserts the 'missing' key into the lock on the door, turning it to unlock it before slowly swinging the door open.

The room has zero lights on and looks extremely empty. Two beds are located in the room and have already been made to appear neat and clean. On the floor, two black duffel bags can be seen barely hidden underneath the beds. They're zipped up and look suspicious due to the fact that no one seems to be staying in the room in this moment.

John B hands his two friends flashlights so that they can search the room without turning the lights on and drawing attention from the outside. They all begin to separate as they pick different things to look for; the the two boys instantly go for the black duffel bags, while Delilah wanders around the room to see if anything else looks out of place.

"He's definitely over 50 years old." John B assumes as he looks at a pair of shoes. "New Balances."

Not much else is said about the assumption of the individuals age as the topic of conversation diverts towards a map that JJ has found. The boys are just deciding between themselves about whether this is very location of where the person (or people) were fishing. Delilah, on the other hand, continues to search the room where she then finds a locked safe hidden in one of the wooden cupboards.

"Guys." Delilah calls, slightly glancing over her shoulder and at the two.

"What's up?" JJ immediately asks, walking into the room after sneaking something into his pocket.

"Have any of you seen a code or something around here?" Delilah asks.

"Yeah, I have." John B replies.

The redhead then moves out of the way, allowing the boy to put the press some numbers to unlocked the safe and find out what's inside. The small light above the pin then turns green to show that the code was correct. The three exchange glances at one another before John B pulls open the door to the safe with curiosity to find out what's inside. In there, many stacks of money with a brown envelope laying on top of it, along with a gun.

"Holy shit." Delilah mumbles.

The differences in what the teenagers are interested in within the safe is clear when they extend their hand out to grab the items. John B goes for a stack of the money to inspect it with curiosity, wanting to know whether it's real or fake. Delilah, on the other hand, instantly grabs the gun resting on top of the big pile. She ensures that it's on safety mode before spinning around on her heel and pointing it straight at JJ.

THE REDHEAD ☾ jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now