The Undertaking pt.2

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'Like you said, Moira, we have an agreement. Walter would stay in my custody until The Undertaking was complete. We're both in this together.'

Mom was in bed with Malcolm Merlyn and it was worst than what I originally believed.


"I've been sitting in the dark all night, too. All these months I kept thinking if I could find a clue...get a lead on him. Guess it wouldn't have mattered. I just wanted to save Oliver before it was too late. And you, Speedy. Oliver has been crying, sobbing actually. Begging me for one drink or one hit, just enough for the pain to go away. I've been right by his side. You should have someone by your side, Thea." Felicity says as she enters the hideout, cutting on the lights.

"Walter's alive." I say, looking straight ahead as tears stream down my face.

"What? But Alonzo said-." Felicity begins to say.

"I need you to pull up Malcolm Merlyn's phone records. He made a call from his office to wherever Walter is being kept at 10:30 p.m." I order.

"Thea." Felicity warns.

"Send me whatever you pull up." I say, standing up.

"LUDD show he made a call to a tenement complex located in Bludhaven. Satellite view shows a lot of security for low-income housing. There's two guards stationed at all access points and only one on the roof. Speedy, there's no other buildings in that area. If you want to get onto the roof you're going to have to jump off something." Felicity quickly explains as she pulls up the information on her computer screens.

"I've got something." I spit out venomously as I storm out, pulling the hood over my head.


I parachute down to the complex, landing on the roof. I quickly rip of the parachute and slide down the railings, pushing the guard off the roof. I quickly open the door and make my way inside.


I walk down the quiet halls of the complex. As I turn the corner, I quickly duck from a swing by a guard. I swing my bow at him, knocking him out as it strikes his face. I strike another guard with my bow as he approaches me. I approach another guard, blocking his attacks before kicking him in the chest and knocking him out with my bow. Two more come, I swing at one which he dodges. As he swings at me with a knife in his hand, I grab his arm and pin him. I focus my attention on the other guard while still pinning another. I punch the other guard in the chest, knocking him down, then another guard comes toward me. I simply kick him in his chest which knocks him out. I twist the arm of the guard I'm pinning and make him stab himself with his own knife. As I see another guard from down the hall, I take an arrow from my quiver and fire into off into his chest. I turn around and do the same to another guard down the hall with a gun. One the guards try to catch me off guard by jumping on my back, but I quickly throw him off and push him through a door. I fire another arrow off, killing another guard. I quickly disarm two other guards, kicking them swiftly until they fall. I fire another arrow, killing another guard till I'm left with one. I dodge all his blows, toying with him before I grab his head and slam it into the wall three times. I leave the hallway filled with unarmed, unconscious, and some even dead men. They were simply obstacles that distracted me from my mission.


"Mr. Steele. Walter." I say softly and carefully as I can through my voice scrambler as I enter the room he is being held in.

"What? What's happening?" Walter asks quickly, frightened.

"You're going home." I answer simply.

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