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I gasp awake, feeling as if every inch of my body is screaming an agony. I groan in pain, panicking as I frantically look at my surroundings, afraid to admit that even the thought of the Dark Archer being near scares me.

"Hey, hey, hey. I'm here, Thea. Just breathe, okay. You're safe. I back traced your signal and cleaned you up. Brought you here. You have a pneumothorax, three broken ribs, and a concussion. There's people here to see you." John says quickly, taking hold of my hand and gripping it tightly, anchoring me to reality.

I nod furiously as he steps back, my family quickly piling in. Oliver rushing to my side and taking my hand in his. 

"Thank God you're okay. What were you thinking, Thea?" Oliver sighs, as he pecks my hand and squeezes it reassuringly.

"I told them how you went for a walk around and a car came out of nowhere. A hit and run." John lies.

"Thea, what's going on dear?" Mom questions softly, rubbing my head carefully and gently.

"I was thinking how I couldn't see it before. You guys I hate Christmas and here I am spewing the Christmas spirit everywhere. You guys put on a show for me, suffering all that time. I'm sorry, guys." I say.

"Thea, I'd suffer everyday for you because I love you. One little Christmas party wasn't going to hurt. Besides, there was an open bar." Oliver smiles.

"Is it true that while you were gone we lacked the joy we once had? Yes, but sweetie, you are home. You brought that joy back the moment you walked back through the doors of our home." Mom says.

"Thea, you had wonderful plan to bring your family close together. And you have utterly succeeded." Walter says with a soft smile.


"Laurel, you came." I sigh tiredly, as I see Laurel enter my hospital room, tossing her coat on one of the chairs and pulling another up next to me.

"I heard about the accident, I was so scared." Laurel admits as she sits down.

"Of what?" I question, looking at her curiously.

"Losing you, Thea. You walked out before I could respond. You will never, ever be a burden to me. You're selfless, caring, and amazing. And I'll tell you everyday if that means keeping you in my life." Laurel says, taking my hand in hers.

I grin happily and cup her cheek.

"You worry to much." I chuckle.

"With you, it comes naturally." Laurel laughs back.


"Go home, John." I say as I stand up, balancing my weight with the cane I was offered.

"I go home when you do. We're in this together." John sighs as he approaches beside me.

"I failed John. I got my ass handed to me." I whisper. 

"5 people went home safe because of you, they get to enjoy the holidays with the people they love. I'd take that any day." John says as he stands next to me.

"When I confront people on that list, I look deep into their eyes and tell them that they've failed this city. Today it was me. I let that archer get the best of me, he would've killed me, John." I say as I gaze out the window into the city.

"That archer he'll get his, and you're gonna be the one to give it to him." John encourages.

"I'm afraid John, that there are much bigger problems ahead. The other archer, he told me that it was someone else who compiled the list. I always assumed it was my father, but it wasn't." I sigh.

"What do you mean?" John questions.

"There is someone out there, and they are much more dangerous than the archer. Much more powerful. And I have to take him down." I say strongly.

Author's Note: here's the final part of the last chapter. vote and comment what you thought. how are you guys enjoying this so far? well check out my other arrow stories on this account and keep on the lookout for updates. have a great weekend!

My Name is Thea Queen, I Am the ArrowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora