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Guys, I'm sorry to announce I will be taking a bit of a break. Not only from my stories, but Wattpad in general. It is my hope and dream to finish each and everyone of these stories, truly it is. Hopefully I'll be gone for at least a month, but it could be longer. I don't really know. I am just not really in a great place mentally or emotionally. I don't want my writing to feel like a job, but a passion. I want to make this special for each and everyone of you. I am sorry guys, I just haven't been consistent and I know that's frustrating for you guys, it's also really frustrating for me as well. I honestly love all my stories, so it kills me that I just can't be constant in writing them. Hopefully in this break I am taking, I can find inspiration, the courage, the energy, the thing that will drive me to finish these stories and start a new set of stories. Because there are so many ideas, so many stories I have yet to tell. Please, feel free to leave comments of encouragement or inspiration, but I do ask for no comments of when I'll be returning or to update any of my stories. I just really need this time for me and I hope all of you can respect that. I look forward to my eventual return and if at the end of this break I feel I need to stop my writing, you guys will also be the first to know. Sorry to put such a damper on a new year. I do hope each and everyone of you have a bigger and better year.



My Name is Thea Queen, I Am the ArrowWhere stories live. Discover now