Unfinished Business pt. 1

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"Hey! How was business tonight?" I ask Oliver and Tommy as I enter Verdant.

"We are in the black and the green, Speedy." Oliver smiles widely.

"And our lost and found is filled." Tommy grins.

"Do I even want to know with what?" I groan, pulling them both in for a hug.

"No, you do not. Oh, having this much fun should be against the law." Tommy laughs.

"Oh, if wishing made it so. Sorry, am I interrupting anything?" Quentin says as he storms into the club.

"Is Laurel okay?" Tommy quickly asks, pulling away from our group hug.

"She's fine. This visit is about something else. A girl just got mowed down a couple blocks from here. On the Starling Bridge. Ring any bells with you two?" Quentin explains, setting his phone down, which showed a picture of a dead girl, on the table.

"No." Tommy answers.

"Should she?" Oliver questions.

"She was in your club tonight." Quentin answers, pulling out an evidence bag that held a Verdant wristband.

"A lot of people were." Tommy reasons.

"You think someone killed her?" I ask.

"Not someone. Something." Quentin answers as he sets down on the table a small baggie filled with green and black pills.

"Vertigo." Oliver whispers.

"Yeah. You got a problem with that in this club?" Quentin questions.

"Not that I'm aware of." Tommy answers.

"We don't allow drugs in here, Detective." Oliver says strongly.

Quentin stares at all of us before walking off.

"Control your clientele. Before anyone else wanders into traffic." He warns before exiting the club.

"You don't think there's any chance she could have scored the drugs in here?" I ask them both once Detective Lance leaves.

"I doubt it. We try not to hire too many drug dealers." Tommy answers.

"Speedy, head home. I don't want you around here until this blows over." Oliver says.

"Ollie." I sigh.

"Go home. I'm not gonna argue about it. I'll see you later." Oliver says as he presses a kiss to my head before walking off.

"Send me a list of employees. I'll have Felicity cross reference it for drug arrests." I whisper to Tommy as we watch Oliver walk away.

"I thought the vigilante finished off the Count." Tommy says lowly.

"I did." I respond before walking off.


I quickly grab the Count from off his bed and pin him to the wall, turning my head away from him to hid my face.

"A woman died tonight from your poison." I tell him, my voice low and gravely because of the voice scrambler.

"Lots of women die, lots of nights, for lots of reasons." He replies.

"Someone is selling Vertigo again. Where is it coming from?" I snap.

"I remember you. Man in hood. You are never far from my thoughts." The Count says, holding up pictures he's drawn of me.

Before I could reply, I hear the sound of keys opening the door. I toss the Count to ground and make my escape.

"You have failed this city!" I hear the Count scream.

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