The Bow Doesn't Make Me

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I walk up the stairs cautiously, but I turn around when I hear someone coming up behind me. I duck as the guy swings at me, he swinger at me so powerfully he flung himself off the stair. I jump over the stairs and kick another guy straight into his chest, sending him to the ground. I grab another guy's as arm as he tries to swing at me, I punch him twice and flip him over me. When another guy tries to kick me, I grab his leg and toss him against the wall. When he falls to the ground, I stand over him and deliver a knockout blow. I sigh as I stumble up the stairs, the drug still very much affecting me. When my eyes finally start to focus, a guy appears in front of me. I duck as he tries to kick me, only to be kicked from behind when I try to stand back up and kicked from the previous guy in the front. I kicked down to my knees, but when the guy behind me tries to knock my head from behind, I kick his leg out from under him. When the guy in front of me tries to kick me in the face, I grab and his leg and twist it violently, pulling him back down to ground. As I march up the stairs and another guy tries to attack me, I carelessly toss him over my shoulder and down the stairs.


I toss a body down to where The Count and his men stand. I jump down and immediately take cover as they begin firing at me. I precisely toss a dart that lands perfectly in a man's neck, taking him down. I charge a guy in front of me and by his neck, slam him down through a glass table.


"You should have stuck to your depraved elite. I am merely providing the people with what they want. I am providing a public service!" The Count snaps as he waves his gun at me.

"So am I." I say as I tossing a dart toward The Count that knocks the gun from his hand.

I jump up and right in front of him, blocking one of his blows before he strikes me hard in the face. I shake it off and twist one of arms violently, taking the syringe of Vertigo from his hands.

"Enjoy the fruits of your labor." I spit out venomously as I inject the whole thing into his system.

"Freeze!" Quentin yells as he, McKenna, and other officers barge in.

I grit as I pull The Count in front of me, using him as shield.

"Put down the needle or I will shoot you! Put down the syringe." Quentin argues.

"He deserves this!" I snap.

"Not according to the law. The people that think you're a hero, people like my daughter if they could see you now. You're no hero. You're what I always said you were. A killer." Quentin spits out.

I huff as I toss The Count toward Quentin and make my escape.


"What's going on?" I ask as I enter my home and see Laurel and Oliver standing there talking.

"I've decided to take the deal." Oliver shrugs.

"Ollie, that's great." I smile, pulling him in for a hug.

"Figured if I'm around it'll keep you partially sane." Oliver laughs.

"Thank you." I smile.

"Don't thank me yet, you were made part of this deal too, Speedy." Oliver smirks.

"Me? What'd I do?" I say pushing him away playfully.

"A lot. Just because Oliver is taking the fall doesn't mean we can ignore the facts." Laurel sighs.

"Exactly. I know there's a lot going on with you and our family, you try to hide it but it is taking a toll on you. If I'm taking this deal, I want you to work with Laurel at CNRI, just a couple hours every week. Enough to make you an upstanding citizen, Speedy." Oliver says seriously.

"You can't be serious." I laugh.

"I am. Thea, I didn't get the help I needed at the time when I needed it most. Now look at me. I'm a mess, you haven't even seen all of me. I don't want you to become like this. I want you to be better. So, take the deal kid." Oliver says.

"Fine. Just for you, Ollie." I smile softly.

"Good. I'm going to get dress so we can go sign the papers. I'll be back, Laurel." Oliver says before heading upstairs. 

"You think we can do this? Work together I mean. I know we haven't exactly been on the same page, for awhile now actually." Laurel says hushed as soon as Oliver's out of sight.

"Laurel, this awkwardness between us? I'm over it. I miss my friend. Besides, I know where you stand. You have Tommy. And I love Tommy, he's like a brother to me. I don't want to hurt him or you. Let's forget about this thing or whatever between us." I sigh.

"Tommy is a great guy." Laurel nods.

"He is. You guys are perfect for each other." I smile softy.

Laurel looks like she's about to respond when my phone rings. I take out my phone and look at it. 

"I'm sorry, I have to take this." I sigh before walking outside.


"Hello?" I say as I answer my phone, standing outside of my front door.

"We got The Count. Bust up his lab, got him on everything from drug trafficking to homicide. He'll be gone for a long while." McKenna says excitedly.

"That's great. You probably did amazing, McKenna." I say happily.

"Listen, Thea, it was great seeing you again. Well, more like meeting you." McKenna sighs.

"You too. Hopefully I'll see you soon." I say.

"Bye, Thea." McKenna says.

"Bye, McKenna." I whisper before hanging up.


"Felicity, hi." I smile as I see Felicity enter Big Belly Burger and approach me.

"Thea, thanks for meeting me. I was nervous to come to your house." She sighs.

"Okay. What's up?" I ask.

"The thing is I've been debating whether or not to share this with you for weeks. I was going to tell Oliver, but he has a lot on his plate right now. Which means you're the only one I can trust right now. But, can I trust you?" Felicity ask.

"Felicity, I'm your friend. You're the love of Oliver's life. I'd even go as far as saying you're family. So yes, you can trust me." I answer.

"Good, because I'm not an idiot. You have dropped some fairly ridiculous lies on me and yet I still feel like I can trust you." Felicity rambles.

"You can, I promise." I say strongly.

"Then I have something to show you." Felicity says as she reaches into her purse and pulls out a small notebook similar to the one my father handed me on the island.

I take with hands that I'm trying to remain steady. I sigh as I open the book and turn the pages, names that I've burned in my head from the list I have at the cave.

"Have you seen this before?" Felicity ask.

"No. Where do you get this?" I lie.

"From your stepfather." Felicity admits.

"From Walter. Um, well where did he get it?" I sigh.

"He said he found it in your house. That it belongs to your mother. Walter thought she was hiding something. Something more and he wanted me to look into it, but then he vanished. I think this list might have cost Walter his life." Felicity confesses.

Author's Note: vote and comment!

My Name is Thea Queen, I Am the ArrowTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang