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"How's Laurel?" John ask once as soon as I walk into the doors of my family's mansion. 

"She's fine, just a little shaken up. How's the hand hero?" I question as I jog up the stairs to my room. 

"Just a little. And seems like I should be calling you the hero." John says as he stops in his tracks.

"Pardon?" I question. 

"When that assassin was about to kill me with her knife, you threw a steak knife from across the room and knocked her knife out of her hand. Impressive don't you think?" Dig questions. 

"I guess yeah. Wouldn't know." I shrug. 

"Ms. Queen, I've only seen people in my times as a solider do that. It brings up the question of how a girl like you can do it." John says. 

"Diggle, your over thinking something as simple as luck and adrenaline. It was a lucky shot on my part, I was just trying to help and it work. Now, go home and take care of that hand. Can't have my bodyguard not at 100% right?" I say before walking into my room. 

John squints his eyes and turns to walk away. He stops, and turns his head to the side. 

"Thank you, by the way. For the lucky shot." He says. 

I stick my head out and smile.

"Anytime, partner." I say, before closing the door. 


As I'm sneaking into the warehouse of Martin SuI feel my phone vibrating from one of the many pockets of my costume. I groan as I see it's Ollie. Against my better judgement, I pick up the phone. 

"Hello?" I whisper as I duck behind a crate. 

"Why are we whispering?" Oliver whispers back. 

"Ugh, I'm not whispering. What's up, Ollie?" I say as I scope at the area. 

"Just wanted to tell you that you needed to be home soon." Oliver says. 

"Um, how soon is soon, I'm kinda in the middle of something." I say as count out the number of men in the warehouse.

"Like 30 minutes soon." Oliver says nonchalant. 

"Eh, more like 40 minutes." I try reasoning. 

"29 now." Oliver deadpans. 

"Fine." I groan. 

"Don't be late, my girlfriend is coming over and I need you to be there to break the ice." Oliver says. 

"Why?" I ask as I place an arrow onto the bow, getting ready to release hell. 

"Mom hates her, like hates hates her. Like I'm scared to leave them alone kinda hate." Oliver says. 

"Okay, I won't be late. I really gotta go, Ollie." I stress as men are starting to get closer and closer to my space. 

"Don't be late." Oliver warns. 

"Got it, bye." I say as I hang up and place my phone back into my pocket.

I take a deep breath, and pull back the bow string. I jump and shot an explosive up into the air to create a distraction. While Somers' men we're scattering, trying to get there weapons, I quickly fired off arrows to the men in front of me. I quickly duck behind cover, when I head the spray of gunshots from above in the craters. Once I hear pause in the hail of gun fire, I quickly shoot of grappling arrow, and fly up into the craters, puting a swift arrow through the man's chest. When I see a man approaching me armed with a hand gun, I quickly kick the newly deceased man to him, he pushes his dead associate of the railings and gives me a cocky smirk. 

My Name is Thea Queen, I Am the ArrowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora