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"I got your message. Is there a reason why we can't do this face to face?" Laurel questions as she approaches me on the rooftop of a building.

"You've meet with Peter Declan." I state through the voice scrambler.

"You were right. He might be innocent after all. Declan said his wife blew the whistle on Brodeur the day she died, he's got motive." Laurel sighs.

"Then we need to get whoever she told about Brodeur  to testify." I say as I walk past Laurel with my head down, hood hiding my face.

"He already has. Matt Istook, Camille's supervisor. The thing is, he's claiming Camille never said a word to him." Laurel says a she turns around to look at me.

"Then he's lying." I say through gritted teeth, as I sharply turn around to look at her.

"Seems like he's pretty damn good at it, he's got the jury and the police believing him." Laurel states.

"Well he hasn't been questioned by me." I snap.

"I didn't become a lawyer to break the law or hurt anybody." Laurel says as she walks toward me. 

"Yeah, well I do what's necessary for this city and the people." I sigh as I turn around, not daring to face Laurel. 

"At the expense of your own humanity?" Laurel ask softly. 

"I do it, to protect the ones I care about. To protect the future of this city." I emphasize.

"And you don't think it's wrong?" Laurel prods. 

"I think, that I'm doing everything in my power to do right by the people of this city, while the people in high power don't want to get their hands dirty." I say.

Before Laurel can respond, I shot an arrow into a concrete wall of a building across from us and zip down from the rooftop. Leaving Laurel to marinate in my words.


As Matt Istook walks to his car, I watched from in the trees above. I send a blow dart down to Istook and watch it as it pierces the back of his neck. As he collapses to ground, I jump down from hideout in the trees. Let's see how good of a liar he is now.


"Matt Istook." I simply say as Istook comes to. 

"You're him. The guy in the hood who's been terrorizing the city." He whimpers.

"Yeah, I am." I laugh.

"What are you going to do to me?" Matt stutters.

"Justice. You're lies have placed an innocent man, Peter Declan, on death row. Now you either tell me the truth, or you die right here right now. Because, it's almost time for the 1015 to blood haven." I say angrily.

"Okay, okay. Brodeur paid me to say Camille never spoke to me, I had nothing to do with her death." Matt rushes out.

"Tick, tock, Matthew." I say over the sound of incoming train.

"Okay, I'll give you the file. Dear god!" He cries as he pulls on his hand cuff.

"What file?" I yell.

"Camille gave me a file of evidence against Jason." Matt says.

"Where is it?" I yell.

"Let me go and I'll tell you." Matt tries to negotiate. 

"Sorry, I don't trust liars." I say as I walk away.

"Please, please. The file is in my desk, please don't let me die. You can have it all. I don't want to die." Matt sobs.

My Name is Thea Queen, I Am the ArrowWhere stories live. Discover now