The Undertaking pt.1

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Author's Note: the flashbacks for 1x21 don't really involve Thea, so we're just gonna skip them!

I crash through the ceiling and down into the hallway, quickly using my bow to knock one of the henchmen to ground. I grab the metal briefcase from his hand, using it as a shield as the other other henchmen fires his gun at me. As soon as he gets close enough, I swing the briefcase at him, stumbling him as it hits him. When he swings back at me, I duck under his arm and began blocking all of the punches he throws at me. Seeing an opening, I kick him hard in his chest and knock him to the ground. I walk past the fallen men and towards the office, right when Harold Backman tried to make his escape. I smirk and grab him by his shirt, pinning him against the wall.

"Harold Backman, you have failed this city." I sat through my voice scrambler, my voice much deeper.

"I'm only an accountant. I'm just the money." Harold reasons.

"The money that leads to extortion, kidnapping, and drugs. It's the destruction of innocent lives." I argue.

"You think you scare me more than the people I work for?" Harold argues back.

"No. They can deal with you." I tell him, before punching him in the face, knocking him unconscious.

But before Harold falls to the floor, I rip the laptop away from him.


"Let me guess. Some bad guy missing his fancy new laptop." Felicity says as I place the laptop on her desk.

"Harold Backman, he's Starling City's worst call when they want to launder money in the Caymans." I explain as I take off my hood and begin removing the green face paint off.

"Shouldn't we just turn this over to, I don't know, the IRS?" Felicity questions.

"We will, just as soon as you return the money to the rightful owners." I answer.

"Well, it sounds like a very nice idea. Backman's files are all protected with an asymmetric encryption algorithm." Felicity explains as she begins typing away.

"Really? So it's gonna take a while to break in." I guess.

"Days, at least." Felicity answers.

"Better get started then." I tease as I walk off, setting my bow down on the table.

"At the risk of ending up with an arrow in my eye can I ask, when are you planning on making peace with Diggle?" Felicity asks carefully, getting up from her desk and walking towards me.

"He's the one who left, Felicity. I did everything I could to stop him." I argue.

"Except apologize. You promised you'd help him track down Floyd Lawton and you-." Felicity begins to reason.

"Made a choice that I can live with. If he can't, then I don't need him." I snap angrily.

"Thea-." Felicity sighs.

"I need to get back. Let me know when you break in." I say, cutting her off.


"Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine." I tease as I walk and see Laurel sitting at the bar sipping on something in a white mug.

"This coffee's terrible, Thea." Laurel grumbles.

"That's what you get for ordering coffee in a bar." I tease with a playful smile.

But when I turn to look at her, my playful smile falls.

"You look tired. Too much work?" I asks softly, standing in front of her with the bar acting as a barrier.

My Name is Thea Queen, I Am the ArrowWhere stories live. Discover now