Dead to Rights pt. 2

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I dive through the windows of the building, rolling to the side to dodge the hail of bullets. I fire off an arrow, taking out one of the two shooters. I duck for cover as he continues to fire at me, Tommy, and Malcolm Merlyn.

"Go somewhere safe. I'll hold them off." I bark at them through my voice scrambler.

Malcolm Merlyn looks at me uneasily as if he doesn't trust me.

"Go now!" I snap at him.

"Come on!" Malcolm says over the gunshots as he grabs Tommy and they make a break for it.


I take a deep breath before leaning down and out of my hiding space, firing of another arrow. The shooter falls dead, but my victory is short lived as three other men starting to attack. I use my bow to block the punch of the first man. I punch him in the face and slam my bow hard into his stomach. The first man falls to the floor. As the two other men tag team me, I quickly dodge their kicks and punches. Once they're all lined up, I spin around swiftly and knock them down with a swift but powerful hit to their faces with my bow. When I turn around Chein Na Wei, other wise known as China White, stands there waiting.

"Why do you want Malcom Merlyn dead?" I ask her.

"I'll settle for you." She threatens.

I smirk as she begins to walk toward me. I walk toward her as well, making her quicken her pace. China White swings at me with a knife, which I duck and retaliate with a smack of my bow. She refuses to let that stop her and continues with a combo of attacks I swiftly dodge and block all of them. I grab her arm and spin her around. I hold her as I deliver to blows to her with my bow. She quickly uses my own momentum to flip me over and deliver her own blows as well. I grab China White by her neck, tossing her against the mirror on the wall, shattering it. I toss her to ground. China White rolls around before shaking it off. She charges at me, jumping on top of me. She uses that momentum to swing me around and throw me to the floor. She tries to place me in a headlock, but I get on top of her and try to attack her. She kicks me hard multiple times, before one powerful kick pushes me away. I roll over and grab an arrow from quiver and place it on my bow. I try to catch my breath as I aim the arrow right at her chest, standing over top of her. Before I can release the bow string, an all too familiar voice stops me.

"Freeze! SCPD. Put the bow down. Turn around slowly." McKenna orders.

I grimace at McKenna's less than ideal interruption. I slowly turn around, before firing the arrow toward a fire extinguisher. As the contents burst out, causing a distraction, I make my escape as does China White.


"No! Stay back." Tommy yells at me as I carefully enter the room, gun aimed at me.

"I'm not here to hurt you or your father. You know that." I say through my voice scrambler.

"I said stay back." Tommy says shakily.

I kneel to the ground and place my bow down. I look at the shell casings of the bullet, I pick it up gently.

"It's curare." I say to myself as I sniff the shell casing.

"Don't come any closer." Tommy warns as I stand up.

"Your father's been poisoned. An assassin named Floyd Lawton laces his bullets with curare. I've dealt with this before. We need to dilute the poison in his bloodstream." I explain.

"I said stay the hell back!" Tommy screams at me.

"In three minutes he's paralyzed. In four minutes, he suffocates. If you don't let me help you now he's dead before anybody gets here!" I snap at him, losing my patience.

My Name is Thea Queen, I Am the ArrowWhere stories live. Discover now