Try Until You Succeed

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"Four. Bloody four." Slade huffs as I fall to ground.

"I'm more of a runner." I say, I try to shrug but my arms burn from those four pull ups.

Slade grunts and jumps up to the bar, beginning his own work out.

"Why the sudden desire to work out?" I ask as I stand to the side to watch him.

"What else is there to do?" He retorts as he continues his pull ups.

"Well, we can try to think of another way off the island." I reason.

"There is no other way. If there was, I would have found it." Slade grunts.

"We can't just sit here and wait for Fyers to come and kill us." I snap.

"I did have one idea. If you go into the forest and gather as much bamboo as you can find." Slade begins to say, jumping off the bar and walking toward me.

"Yeah?" I say eagerly.

"We could build ourselves a boat like they did on 'Gilligan's Island'." Slade teases.

"What's that?" I ask carefully.

"Damn, you really are just a kid, kid. It was sarcasm. There is no way off this island that I haven't thought of and none of them will work. We're stuck." Slade sighs.

"What about this?" I ask, going over to the radio.

"Broken. It got busted during the crash." Slade explains.

"Did you try to get it to work?" I ask, trying to remain optimistic.

"We both know I'm better at pulling things apart, kid." Slade quips.

"My father was a pilot and he used to do his own maintenance." I start, kneeling to check out the radio.

"So you're hoping aircraft maintenance is genetic?" Slade scoffs as he walks over to me and the radio.

"No, my brother used to help and I would watch all the time. Soon, I had most of the techniques memorized. So maybe I can use the knowledge in my head and I can make the radio work." I explain.

"You should be training for the inevitable fight that's looming." Slade argues as he goes back to working on his pull ups.

"I think I have a better chance of making the radio work." I say as I get to work.


"I hope you like barbecue." Slade says as he enters the plane with a dead animal.

I'm so focused on the wires in my hands, I barely hear him until he makes his presence known again.

"Well, don't fall over yourself thanking me for spending six hours up a tree, so you can eat." He snaps.

"What? Awesome, thanks Slade. I'll eat later." I say offhandedly as I glance at him but focus back on the radio.

"You've been on the for days. Give it a rest, kid." Slade sighs.

"It's because I can do this, Slade. I know I can." I say under my breath.

"Sure, kid. When pigs fly." Slade scoffs.

I roll my eyes and focus back on the radio. When he walks away, the radio statics to life.

"You've got to be kidding me. Can you clean this up?" Slade huffs as he drops the animal and runs over to me.

" I don't know. I don't know how I got this far!" I laugh with a bright smile.

'Continue approach. We're 6-3 Heavy.'

"Mayday, mayday, mayday. This is Wedgetail 325. Pilot and passenger down." Slade says into the handset of the radio.

'Of course 6-3 Heavy, cleared to land. Runway 2-7 right, wind 2-6-0 degrees, 10 knots.'

"I repeat, pilot and passenger down in the island of Lian Yu. Request immediate rescue." He tries again.

'Clear to land, runway 27 right.'

"Damn! They can't hear us and we can't call out. We're still trapped." Slade snaps.


"If they can't hear us, then what's the point?" I huff angrily as I sit to side while Slade handles the radio.

"Wait. You still have done us some good, kid." Slade reassures as he tunes the radio stations.

'0500 hours from my mark. Final deployment is five by five.'

"That's Fyers." I exclaim as I run over to him.

"I'm tuned into the soldier's frequency." Slade states.

'Scylla is in route. ETA 0600 hours at the Southwest Bay.'

'I'll call you when Scylla is in my possession. Fyers out.'

"Who was Fyers talking to?" I ask Slade.

"I don't know. Sounds like someone off this island, maybe his benefactor. More importantly, who or what is Scylla?" Slade wonders out loud.

"The Scylla and Charybdis. It's 'The Odyssey' from one of the four nightmare chapters. Scylla was a monster." I explain.

"Well, I wanna meet this monster. Am I going alone?" Slade says as he suits up.

I grin at him and grab my knife, following after Slade.


"What? What is it?" I asks as I lean close to Slade from our hiding place.

"You were right. Scylla is a monster. A Russian-made S300 anti-aircraft missile launcher. It can simultaneously track up to 100 targets whiles engaging at least a dozen. I mean, from here, they could shoot down a commercial airliner or start a war." Slade explains as he hands me the binoculars to look for myself.

"Woah. That is a monster." I sigh.

Author's Note: vote and comment what you thought!

My Name is Thea Queen, I Am the ArrowWhere stories live. Discover now