Chapter Fourteen: Let's Get Away for A While

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I wake up, tucked safely in Andy's arms in our bunk on my tour bus.

If only this day could stay this way.

Today is the day that we fly home.

I rest my temple back on Andy's arm, not waking him up.

Oh God, I'm nervous. What if Andy's plan doesn't work? What if Jacky finds out? What then? I had to text Jacky two days ago, lying that I broke up with Andy.

This isn't like Jacky at all! He used to be so shy and sweet. And now he's... He's almost like someone from a film. It doesn't feel real how serious he is about hurting Andy if I don't comply with his wishes. What's gotten into him? Had I really made that strong of an impact on his life?

I suddenly hear Andy grumble something in his sleep. His emotions show that he's upset about something. He suddenly shouts, "No! Gray!"

I quickly move into waking him. I pet his hair and kiss his cheek and lips and whisper, "Wake up, Andy. It's just a dream. Wake up."

His eyes open quickly, most likely from the bad dream. As his mind registers what scene his awake form is he tightens his grip around me and starts kissing my hair. I continue to stroke his as I hold him too and whisper things about him being okay.

"I had a bad dream," he says.

"I thought so," I whisper.

He squeezes me to him, then he lets go enough for our bodies to be an inch away. He quickly sits up onto his elbows and leans in to kiss me.

"I don't want to lose you," he whispers, resting his forehead on mine.

"Nor I, you," I say.

"My dream was about you. Jacky didn't hurt me, he hurt you," he says. "I hated it. I beat Jacky up so bad."

I have to chuckle at the word choice. At my chuckle Andy loosens up only slightly. He kisses my cheek and temple, then he asks, "What's so funny?"

" 'I beat Jacky up so bad,' " I quote, chuckling. I try to use a deep voice to sound more like Andy.

He chuckles at my impersonation. He kisses my forehead, then he pulls away just so I can see him. Our eyes lock instantly.

"Gray?" Andy asks, cupping my cheek with his left hand. Our eyes remain the same.

"Yes, Andy?" I kiss his nose.

"I love you," he murmurs.

"I love you more," I say.

"I love you most," he says. He leans down so our lips meet and conform to each other. My immediate reaction is to hold his head closer to mine, but instead I feel his hand over mine. I slide my hand out and force his fingers up with mine, then our fingers close the gaps and our hands are intertwined.

"You're more than I've ever deserved," Andy says as he pulls away. "You've been a friend, and a lover, and more than any one person could ever dream for." He kisses me once. "Thank you."

"And thank you, Andy," I say. "Thank you for being a best friend who taught me how to do my hair." Andy chuckles before I go on. "Thank you for taking me to my first American dance and for showing me the wonders of Taco Bell and Walmart." We both chuckle. I scratch the back of his head affectionately. "Thank you for sharing New Years with me. Thank you for helping me to learn about who I truly am. Thank you for leaving me so I could find you again and recover a bond stronger than any bond I've ever made."

Andy smiles down at me. He pushes a few pieces of hair from my face, then he says, "You're welcome, I guess."

I smile and lead his lips to mine, holding tightly onto him, and, for a moment, I forget all that's going to happen today. When we break away I whisper, "You're more than I could've ever dreamed of. I'm so glad I moved to America."

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