Chapter Eight: I Have to Say, I Cannot Complain With My Lifestyle.

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I walk into the venue, Jacky's arm firm around my waist. I wave and say hello to a few straglers backstage, then I meet up with my band in the dressing room.

"What're you doing here so late? Our show's in five minutes!" Kenzie yells.

"Shush, mate," I say. "I was distracted." I walk over to the guitar stand where my dark-cherry guitar I had gotten when I first moved to Ohio sits, then I strap it on. "Besides. I'm here, aren't I?"

Marty sighs. "Whatever."

"Good luck out there, babe," Jackys says, kissing the back of my head. "Not that you need it."

I turn and smile at him. "Thank you, my love," I say before kissing him.

"Hey! C'mon Jacky! We need to talk to her a minute!" Corey yells.

I sigh and break away. I smile up at Jacky, whose lips are pursed at Corey's demand. I kiss him once, then I say, "I'll be but a moment." I walk over to Corey, Marty, and Kenzie, then I ask, "So what's going on?"

"Today is probably the biggest performance of our lives," Marty says. "We're the last one of five bands, but we're competing."

"Competing for what?" I ask, frowning from confusion.

"A spot on the hottest tour of the year," Corey answers, his face totally serious.

"Woah! Who with?" I ask.

"Black Veil fucking Brides!" Kenzie yells, excited. "The guys in the band are all the judges!"

My heart lept. Black Veil Brides. Andy's (physical swallow) band.

"Well c'mon! Aren't you excited?!" Marty yells, jumping up and down.

"I..." I'm speachless.

"Between Echo and Ashley!" someone calls.

"C'mon!" they all yell. Someone grabs my wrist and starts dragging me to the stage, though I don't know what to do. I shuffle my way out to the pitch black stage where eveyone is screaming our names.

"Let's go mother fuckers!" Marty nearly screams into the microphone. Kenzie starts her quick drum beat, giving me a moment's notice beforeI have to start playing. My fingers somehow find their way to the beginning few notes of the song and I quickly look down, making sure they're right. My fingers move fast and I glance around everywhere, trying to figure everything out.

As I glance around, my eyes catch him.


I gasp and my fingers slip, but I quickly fall back to get them. Andy was sitting in the middle of the audience. There was a platform and a few chairs, then their was a long table that stretched across every member.

As my eyes graze the crowd I see their jumping with the beat of the song, but my eyes force themselves back to Andy. His elbows are on the table, his attention completely focused on the band. Rather, now that I look, me.

I swallow hard. How long has it been? My God, it's been... Four and a half years? Without a word since he left me!

As I look back down at my fingers while I walk around, trying to keep up my normal stage antics, I look at the bracelet on my wrist. I wear it at every show without even thinking about it. It's black beads most of the way around, but there is one bead that's not. It's a bone-colored skull. I remember back to the day he gave it to me.

He left me when I didn't want him to go.

But, do I want to be friends with him again?

To figure out my answer, I push the memories of mine away and start turning into Gray Storm. Bad-ass British chick who doesn't give a bloody fuck about what other people think. So, I let myself run free as I play our song. I head-bang. I sway my hips. I bounce. I do everything I always do.

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