Chapter Five: The Beginning of the End.

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I woke up, my back against Andy's chest. I yawned and stretched, then I slid off the bed. I turned my head to see Andy grumbling something in his sleep.

I stood up and stretched, then I walked down the stairs to Andy's kitchen. Buddy greeted me, jumping up and licking my face. I laughed a little and pet behind his ears, then I got him down and continued walking. I pulled my black tank top down as I entered, seeing Andy's mum and dad sitting at the table.

Amy noticed me first. She smiled, then she said, "Morning, Gray. How're you this morning?"

I yawned and nodded. "Pretty good. Tired a smidge, but that's most likely 'cause I just woke up."

Chris chuckled a little and, from what I could tell, finished his mug of coffee. "Would you like a glass?" Amy asked, noticing me eyeing it. "There's a pot sitting right there." She pointed.

I smiled at her. "That'd be great," I said as I went into the pantry and grabbed a coffee cup.

She smiled. "Not a problem, dear. Is Andy still asleep?"

"No," Andy grumbled as he came in. I turned and saw him rubbing his eyes like a small child. His Batman pajama bottoms had fallen enough to see the band of his boxers, which repeated "Batman" over and over again. I smiled a little, then I turned completely and embraced him. He sleepily returned the hold. "Morning, Gray," he said.

"Morning, Andy," I said as I pulled away. I went back to getting my coffee, then I sat next to Chris. Andy sat next to Amy after getting his own coffee.

"So what're you guys doing on the last day of the year of two-thousand seven?" Amy asked, taking a sip from her cup.

"I don't think we have much of a plan," Andy said, tilting his head from side to side. "Probably should ask if we have rehearsals."

As if on cue, the house phone rang. Amy stood up and grabbed it. "Hello?... Oh hi, Nathan!... No, we're all awake... At three?... Yep. I'll tell Andy... Alright... Bye, kiddo."

"Rehearsals at three?" Andy asked, rubbing his eyes again.

"Yes, sweetie," Amy said as she sat back down. "I love Nathan. Such a nice boy."

Andy and I looked over at each other, then we burst out into fits of laughter. There is no way Nate is a "nice boy."

"Why are you laughing? I think Nathan's a genuinely wonderful young man," Amy said.

Andy and I both bloody lost it again. When we finally got our laughter contained, Andy said, "Mom, you have no idea."

She smiled and rolled her eyes, then she stood up and grabbed Chris's, as well as her, mug and took it to the sink. "Your dad and I are going to the city today," she said. "We'll be gone tonight and be back tomorrow."

"Alright," Andy said.

I looked over at Andy, then I asked, "So what do we do 'til three?"

"Mall?" he asked.

I nodded and took a sip. "Sure. Why not."

We pulled up to Nathan's house. This'd be my third rehearsal I'd sat in on. Andy grabbed my hand and laced our fingers together, then we walked up and into the house. We said hi to his parents, then we walked downstairs to the basement so Andy and them could practice.

I plopped onto one of the couches as Andy started helping with the set-up of the equipment. They all sat down at their stools, then they started Hello My Hate. They played all of Andy's first EP, then they finished off with Mortician's Daughter. As Andy sang, it looked like he was sad but that he would endure. Sometimes he would glance up at me and stare at me a while.

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