Chapter Seven: Short, but Absolutely Sweet

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A few days later, I wake up in Jacky's arms. I rest my cheek on his shoulder again and sigh.

"Are you awake?" Jacky asks softly.

I open my eyes and look up at him. I smile and kiss him once, then I say, "Yes I am."

He smiles and slides down a little more so our eyes are level. He kisses me slowly, then he says, "How are you this morning, my love?"

I smile. "I'm doing just wonderful."

"Mm." He kisses me once. "Good."

I kiss him again, spending time there. When I pull away I rest my forehead on his and gaze into his soft hazel eyes.

He kisses me once. "I love you, Gray."

I smile. "I love you too, Jacky."

His lips touch mine again. He kisses me softly, then he kisses my eyelid. "You're beautiful, you know that?"

"No," I say, smiling. "Tell me how beautiful I am."

He smiles too. He turns onto his back, then he points to the window at the sun. "That big ball of energy out there that we call the sun? That thing can't compare to the warmth and beauty that radiates from you. And the moon that comes out at night when that ball of sun goes away, it only trades places with the sun so the sun can cry."

I laugh a little. "Oh really?"

"Mm-hmm," he says, looking back at me. He brushes a piece of hair from my face. "And your eyes are like silver storms, washing away every impurity there is in the world."

I smile and move so I can press my lips to his. "You're so amazing, Jacky," I say.

"You are, more so than I," he says before kissing me again. "I love you more than anyone on this planet. You mean more to me than anything and anyone."

I smile and kiss him again. "I love you too, Jacky. More than any person or any object or anything in this universe."

"But I'll always love you more," he says, pushing hair from my face.

"And I'll always love you most," I say.

"Impossible," he says, kissing my forehead.

"Not impossible," I say.

He sighs and purses his lips. He sits up slowly, so I can sit up with him, then he says, "We're going home today."

I smile. "Yay."

"So where do you live?" he asks.

"In L.A.," I answer. "It won't be too terrible of a move. I've hardly a thing in my apartment."

"That's cool," he says, yawning. "I'm taking a shower."

"Okay," I say. "You have to started the bath tub first, then you go into the shower."

"Got it," he says. He stands up and goes into the bathroom, then I hear the shower start running.

I yawn and lay back in the bed.

I, Grace Penelope Willington, am the luckiest girl on the planet.

Wow, that's a really British name.

I sit up and stretch, then I crawl to the end of the bed and grab my bag. I pull a long sleeved dark gray blouse out and a pair of red short-short trousers. The dark gray blouse's back is cut out, and the design keeping the back together is a spider web. I pull the clothing on, with fresh underclothes of course, then I take out my hair brush and start brushing out my hair.

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