Chapter Four: "Let Me Enjoy Tonight Before I Forget."

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In the last period of the day, P.E., we were swimming. It was hot outside, so it was absolutely perfect weather to be swimming.

"Alright, everybody! Out of the pool!" the P.E. teacher, Mr. Harold, shouted.

I swam back to the edge, then I pulled myself out and sat on the cement. I stood up and walked to the showers, rinsing the chlorine out of my hair.

"I think I got water in my ear," Andy said, tossing his head to the side and jolting it a little.

"Sorry, mate," I said as I threw my hair over my head and squeezed it out, the gray and black dripping a little. I'd be redying that for the dance tonight.

"There. Now I think I got it." He stood straight again. He shook his hair out, then he said, "Meet you after you get dressed."

Before I could answer, I felt tugs at my neck and my back, then someone ran by and snatched my bathing suit top off of me. I gasped and quickly covered myself with my hands. I quickly searched for my towel, but turning around I saw that the same lad who'd stole my top had grabbed my towel. Everyone was laughing and pointing. My face turned red as I tried to duck my face behind my hair.

Suddenly I felt something drape around my shoulders. Andy stood in front of me, pulling the towel over me so I was covered. I quickly pulled my arms out but tucked it under my arms. "Thank you, Andy," I muttered.

He rubbed my arms a couple times, then he glared up at the person with my top and towel. "You're fucking dead, bitch," he said before running towards the lad and punching him. They got into a struggle, then they both fell into the pool.

"Andy!" I shrieked. I crouched by the edge of the pool, waiting for him to immerge. I could see there bodies under the water, struggling, then the lad came up.

Andy didn't.

I slipped into the water without the towel. I opened my eyes, and though it stung, I kept them open and swam down. I could see Andy struggling, trying to get free of something. As I swam further I saw there was a chain around his wrist attatched to the filter at the bottom. I finally got down to Andy, and though it was hard staying down there, I managed to stay sunken and tried to help Andy with the chain. I could see Andy's worry in his eyes, but I could also see he was close to no breath. With a breath I still had, I pressed my lips to Andy and gave him another breath. Then, I tried at the chain again. I could find the clasps anywhere, it was just stuck.

I felt Andy touch me a couple times. He pointed to the surface, telling me to return with his eyes. I did, but I only did so to get another breath for him. I took the deepest breath I could, then I swam back down. Once again our lips met so he had a breath.

I tugged, but the chain wouldn't go. I looked around for something. Anything. Just an object that could break it.

My eyes settled on a pebble. It wasn't very big, but it was sharp. I swam towards it and let my last breath into Andy, then I tried to force some weight onto the rock. A hit. Another hit. Yet another hit. And finally, the chain broke. I grabbed Andy's wrist and dragged him up to the surface.

The minute we were up we gasped for breath. How it hurt to breathe, but how wonderful it felt at the same time! Suddenly I was in Andy's arms as he embraced me tightly. "Thank you, Gray," he gasped. "Thank you so much."

I nodded and hugged him tight. "You okay?" I asked breathessly.

"Wonderful, thanks to you." He pulled away just enough to look at me. "Thank you."

I nodded and kissed his cheek. "You're welcome, Andy. Wouldn't want my best friend to die."

He smiled at me and pulled away just a little. He quickly remembered that I was half nude, so he covered his eyes and said, "Get out first."

Hearts of Gray (Andy Biersack Love Story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ