Chapter Three: Hello, Thurman. It's Your First Day of School!

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I woke up to someone jumping on my bed. "Wake up, Gray!" Andy shouted, dragging out the "a" in my name.

"Get off of my matress," I mumbled sleepily, kicking him lightly but still enough to get him off.

I heard a thud as he fell to the ground. "That hurt, fucker!" he yelled again.

"Shush, Andy!" I scolded. "We're not trying to wake up the entire bloody neighborhood!"

"Whatever," he said, standing up again. "We have a lot of work to do before tomorrow."

"Ah, yes," I said, sitting up. "My first day of public school."

"Yep. And you asked me to help with bleaching your hair," he said, holding up the box of hair bleach.

"That's true, I did." I sat up and yawned. "So, you don't think I'll look too much like a 'scene kid'?" I asked. I'd just learned the term few days ago from Andy. People who tried to look like us but more colorful and they listened to usually electronic and dance music.

"Nah. It's not like we're going multiple colors, we're just bleaching you hair that pretty stormy silver." He smiled widely at me. "The one that's in your eyes."

I smiled back at him. "Alright, well let's do this."

The next few hours were made of bleaching hair, horrible amonia smells, and a lot of hunching over the bath tub. Currently Andy was filling up a big plastic cup with water from the faucet and pouring it over my head. The need for a cup? Because this was an old style house with an old style bathroom, so the tub was a clawfoot-style tub.

Andy turned the water off. I turned my head towards the left and asked, "So are we done?"

Andy bent to his knees and hunched his neck over the tub so we were level. He smiled at me, then he handed me a towel. "I'm excited to see what you think," he said.

I patted at my hair with the towel and stood up. I helped Andy up, then I said, "You're stylng my hair."

He smiled, then he asked, "Can I do something else with your hair then dye-wise?"

"Uh, sure?"

So another hour and a half later, Andy was putting the final touches on my hair. He wasn't styling it out, but he was straightening it. He brushed it down, then he straightened my longer bangs another couple times. "There," he said. "Absolutely awesome."

"May I look at your fabulous work?" I asked, almost sarcastically.

He smirked. "Of course you can."

I turned and looked towards the mirror. My hair was a brilliant silver! It looked amazing, but something else drew my attention. The tips of my hair turned black.

"This looks bloody brilliant, Andy!" I said, turning and smiling at him. I threw my arms around his neck.

"Glad you like it," he said quietly, sliding his arms around my waist and burying his face in my shoulder.

"Are you okay, mate?" I asked.

He nodded, still against me. "I'm fine, Gray."

"No you're not," I said, pulling away enough to look at him. "Tell me what's wrong."

"It's nothing," he said, running a hand through his edgy black hair. "It's just that today's Scout's and I's anniversary."

I frowned and forced his chin back up so I could see him. Yes he was taller than me, but his head was low enough that I need to do so. "Andy, stop making yourself feel bad," I said. "It'll me okay, mate. You'll see her soon."

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