Chapter Six: Reunion.

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I wake up, orange sun streaming in from the window that's in half of my bunk, half of Corey's. I yawn, rubbing my eyes, then I get out of bed.

I walk out to the "kitchen" area of the tour bus, scratching the back of my head as I walk. I see the time, and it says it's six fourty-three. Ever since I turned nineteen I'd gotten up earlier.

I stretch my arms above my head again, then I reach into a cabinet to grab my bottle of vitamins. I pop one into my mouth, then I put it away and walk to the couch. I turn the television set to a cartoon episode of Batman.

After about two hours, Kenzie and Marty come stumbling out of their bunks. "Morning, Gray," Marty yawns, rubbing her eyes.

"Morning," I say, pulling my knees to my chest. I rest my chin on my knees.

Kenzie sits next to me on the couch and rests her head on my shoulder. "How're you this morning, babe?" she asks.

I nod my head tiredly. "I'm good," I say. I turn a little, then I take her bleached white hair and start braiding it over her shoulder.

"Are we doing anything today?" she asks.

"We don't have a show, but we have an interview once we get to Omaha," I answer.

She smiles. "Yay. We finally get to be interviewed by Bryan Stars."

"This'll be fun," I say, laughing.

"Yes. And then you can show off your relationship with Mr. Vincent," she says, smirking.

I roll my eyes but chuckle. I tie a piece of her hair around the end of the braid, then I rest it on her shoulder. "Done," I say, moving to stand up.

"Where are you going?" Marty asks, shaking out her long, cream-colored hair.

"To wake Corey's bloody bum up," I answer, walking to the hallway of bunks. I climb onto my bunk, then I open the curtain to his. Marty and Kenzie collect at my feet. "Ready?" I ask.

They nod and stand back a couple feet. I brace myself, then I quickly poke Corey's face and hop down. As expected, Corey's arm flails widely and he sits up quickly, hitting his head on the ceiling.

"Fucker!" he yells.

"If you got up earlier, we wouldn't have to do this!" I shout.

"I still hate you fuckers. You girls suck," he says, sliding out of his bunk.

I hit him upside the head. "You, lad, suck. Maybe we could just get another girl to be our bassist."

"Oh sure." He smiled and pulled me into an embrace. "How're you, Gray? Anymore nightmares?"

I hold my breath and nod. "I had one last night."

"Was it about..." He trails off, his eyes locked on mine.

I nod. He means Andy without saying it's Andy. I've dreamt of Andy ever since that day, whether it be good or bad. Sometimes I remember the night of homecoming when we'd both shared a kiss, though we were bloody drunk. Now, Andy's part of the biggest band in the world, as he promised himself. I love his music, I still love him. If he hadn't left me, we could've been best friends still.

Corey takes my face in his hands. "Are you okay?" he asks softly.

I nod again. "I'm fine, mate," I say, wrapping my arms over his neck. "Thank you for caring, though."

He nods against me, then he pulls away. Suddenly, the bus turns. I look out the window, seeing we're pulling into a parking lot for a diner. As the bus stops, the Falling In Reverse bus stops with us. A figure runs around the front of the bus, then the door for our bus opens and I'm suddenly eneveloped in his arms. He places a soft kiss on my lips.

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