Chapter Nine: Best Friends Really Do Last Forever

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Jacky insistently wakes me up, kissing my hair and face. "Wake up, sweetheart," he says.

I yawn, stretching my arms out. I sleepily open my eyes at him and smile. "Morning, Jacky," I say.

He smiles and kisses my lips once. "Good morning, my love," he says.

I stretch my limbs again. I continue to look up at him, then I groan as my table-side alarm clock starts to beep at me. "Bloody fucker," I say as I turn onto my stomach. I slam my hand onto the snooze button. "Shush you," I say.

Jacky kisses my shoulder and trails kisses down my bare back. "You're so beautiful," he whispers.

I smile. "Thank you, love," I say.

When his lips reach the blanket around my waist, keeping my bottom half from being exposed, he kisses back up to my neck and he rests his cheek between my shoulder blades. "I'm going to miss you so much," he says.

"Don't worry. It's only for two and a half months," I say.

"That's still too long," he whines, sounding like a child. He rubs my lower back.

I turn onto my back again. He crawls up so our faces are level. I kiss him, a little roughly, then I say, "I know. So, guess what we're doing while I'm still undressed?"

He smirks and pulls me over him, starting to kiss me even more roughly.

I stumble into the bus, being super tired. I accidentally slam into a wall, but I force myself to be straight again and I sit at the couch in the bus. Marty and Kenzie sit in the couch across the walkway, Corey's packing his belongings into his bunk. I leave my enormous bag next to me.

Jacky slumps next to me, resting his cheek on my shoulder. "I'm gonna' miss you," he says again.

I rest my cheek on his head. "I know," I sigh.

Jen, our tour manager, walks onto the bus, looking grumpy. She points a finger at Kenzie and says, "You're on the couch this time."

"Fuck!" Kenzie shouts, stomping her foot on the seat of the couch.

"I had the fucking couch last time! My back's still fucked up!" Jen says before lugging her suitcase to one of the bunks.

Kenzie rests her cheek back on Marty's shoulder and looks up at her. "Wanna' help me out here?" she asks.

Marty purses her lips and shakes her head side to side. "No."

"Can't we share one?" Kenzie says, exasperated.

Marty rolls her eyes. "You know you kick in your sleep."

"Tie my feet together!" Kenzie pleads.

I start to laugh. "Kenzie, if having a lumpy matress is highly important to you, then have mine. I haven't unpacked yet."

"Yay!" Kenzie cheers, standing up. She pushes Jacky away from me and embraces me from my side, then she says, "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You are the best!"

"If I am the best, then get off of me so the best can hug her boyfriend," I say, chuckling.

"Right away!" she says, backing away from me completely. She stands up, grabs her bag, and goes to what would normally be my bunk, the bottom one on the left side of the walkway.

Jacky scoots closer to me again and wraps his arms around me. I move myself so I'm in his lap, my knees to my chest, then I cuddle into him. He kisses my head and starts stroking my hair, then he says, "There has to be some way we can see each other during the tour."

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