Chapter 42

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Jaella's POV

"Hey Spencer, you remember those times that you were shot?" I ask through gritted teeth, sweat dripping from my forehead. I watch my husband gulp nervously.

"Yep," he responds squeakily, probably due to my tight grip on his hand.

"Well I can assure you that the pain of labour is a lot worse, so you'd better think twice before asking me how I feel again," I snap.

Doctors scuttle around me, positioning me and hooking up all sorts of wires to my body. I let out a pained yell as another contraction hits, now lasting much longer than before, signifying that it's getting close.

"You're doing so well, love," Spencer encourages from beside me. "Keep going, you can do this."

"It's time," a doctor with kind eyes says at the foot of the bed.


I lay my head back on the hospital pillows, exhausted. Sweat coats my entire body, which is aching in pain. All of this pain evaporates once I hear the wailing of a newborn. My head snaps up and I desperately want to hold the baby in my arms, but the doctors take it away to do check ups and clean the child.

Spencer takes my hand in his, obviously feeling the same thing.

"We did it," I breathe out.

"You did it," he corrects, with a loving smile.

"I'll admit I did most of it, but you did help a little. Thanks for the sperm by the way."

He lets out a light chuckle. We look away from each other to see the kind doctor coming back into the room, a bundle of cloth in his arms.

"This is your new baby girl," he announces whilst carefully handing the child over to Spencer.

He is gonna be wrapped around her little finger.

We both agreed to wait to find out the gender until the birth, preparing names for both occasions.

Tears roll down Spencer's cheeks as he looks down at our little girl, holding her like a glass doll. After admiring her for a while, he cautiously tilts her to me, so that I can see her. Already upon her head is a patch of dark brown hair, like mine. Her eyelids flutter open to reveal two large eyes that stare back at me curiously.

"Spencer look, she has your eyes," I exclaim, delighted that the trait I adore on her father was passed down.

"And she's got your beauty already," he replies.

I scoff playfully. "Oh stop flirting and let me hold her."

He passes the baby to me and I'm immediately overcome with emotions. Tears of joy roll down my cheeks as I make funny faces to entertain the newest love of my life.

How can one thing suddenly mean so much to you. The second I hold her in my arms I know that I've changed as a person, as I'm now a mother. A mother to this small being with tiny feet and hazel eyes.

"Hi Leanbh," I greet with my father's petname for me. "Welcome to the world. You see him?" I point at Spencer standing beside me. "He's your Dada, and I'm your Mommy. We are both going to make sure that you're kept safe and happy."

The baby makes an excited gurgling noise, causing the both of us to laugh.

"Sorry Spencer," I say in an apologetic tone. "I always said that you were the cutest thing on earth but now my opinion has changed because of this girl in my arms."

"Hey, no fair," he feigns annoyance. "I'm probably the one who gave the cuteness to her."

After a couple minutes of admiring our creation, we decide to let the others, who've been waiting patiently, inside to see the newborn.

"Everyone," announces Spencer as the BAU plus Alex step into the room. "I'd like to introduce you to Aisling Diana Reid."

They all waste no time and rush over to get a closer look and gush over the newest member of our large family. Over the past two years I've grown closer to the BAU, whether it was through helping out with more cases, nights out for drinks or a spaghetti dinner at David's. I've become apart of something, I belong. Penny, JJ and Emily were in fact my bridesmaids along with Alex only eight months ago.

After taking turns holding Aisling and congratulating myself and Spencer, they decide to go to the hospital canteen and get some coffee. I share a look with my husband and call Derek and Alex back before they can leave.

"Whyyyy?" Complains Alex. "I'm tired."

"Try going through ten hours of labour and then we'll see if you're tired," I mutter under my breath. I hear Spencer trying to stifle his laughter from beside me.

"What's up Foxy?" Asks Derek.

"Well, we were wondering, if you two would like to be Aisling's godparents," I reveal in a hopeful tone, unable to keep the smile off my face.

Their reactions are both completely different.

Alex lets out a high pitched squeal and rushes over to the hospital bed to give me a tight yet careful hug, making sure not to crush the child in between us. Once we break apart she looks down at her goddaughter with tears in her eyes and promises her of all of the trips they're going to take together and things they'll do. Before leaving, Alex gives me another bone crushing hug and skips off out the door.

Derek on the other hand, stays still through the whole exchange until Alex is gone. He then looks up, glancing between myself and Spencer.

"Are you sure?" He manages to chokes out.

Spencer walks over to him and places his arm around his shoulder, guiding him towards the little girl. I place her in his arms, gently instructing him how to hold her, just like I did a couple of minutes ago. He looks at her with complete adoration.

"Hey babygirl," he coos, gently swaying back and forth. "I'm gonna teach you how to play baseball since your daddy can't throw a ball for his life. I'm also gonna ward off any boyfriends that try to show up cause they won't ever deserve you." The room is filled with light laughter. "And I'm gonna take good care of you Aisling. You are so lucky because you've got two of the most kindhearted and loving parents that anyone could wish for."

Tears escape my eyes for what feels like the hundredth time today. Derek looks up and I see that his eyes are also glistening, as well as Spencer's.

"You're going to be an amazing godfather," I say truthfully.

He hands her back to me and wraps me in a tight embrace and then engulfing Spencer in a similar hug straight after. Before leaving the room he claps Spencer on the shoulder and gives his signature smirk.

"You did good Pretty Boy, you did good."

After he exits I take hold of Spencer's hand and we both look down at our daughter's sleeping figure, knowing that this tiny human is going to completely change our lives forever.

"I'm not sure if you know this Spencer, but I'm kind of in love with you," I whisper, making an effort not to wake our sleeping daughter.

"Well Jaella, I'd be lying if I didn't say that I had a small inkling that you were, and I kind of love you too."

The ending is super cringe but I love it. I'm gonna say a bit more in the author's note if you wanna swipe on to that.

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