Chapter 22

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Jaella's POV

You would think that after my case with the BAU I would just want to crumple like a piece of paper, dig myself a large hole, lie down in it and stay there for a couple of weeks. You would be correct. Apart from how I feel inside, I'm working harder than ever. Closing nine cases in my two months back. I feel the need to prove something to myself, or maybe I just want a distraction. This however, doesn't stop my emotions bursting out after I get back to my apartment at the end of the day.

Alex is amazing, she comes over whenever she can. We either do our file work together or just have a girls night. I told her everything that happened and her first reaction was to find out where Spencer lived and make sure that he became infertile. I explained how that idea, although very tempting, would only make me think about him more than I already do. I miss him. I miss the team.

"Ugh, I am so over this paperwork," complains Alex whilst slamming her head down on the dinner table of my small apartment. "I mean seriously, can the serial killers take a day off?"

"That would be very nice of them," I say nonchalantly. I finish the last line of the particular file that I'm working on, close it and look up to see Alex, still with her head on the table. "Why don't you stay here tonight?" I offer. "Some of your clothes that I've borrowed are already here and I can set up the pull-out couch."

"That sounds like heaven," she replies. Alex walks over to my large stack of DVDs and starts to flick through them. "How about 10 Things I Hate About You?" She calls over her shoulder. "That one was always your favourite."

"Oh um," I say nervously, "not anymore."

I take the DVD case from her hands and place it on the shelf above, away from the other movies. Of course with Alex's best friend abilities, she knows what's wrong. Thankfully she doesn't say anything and simply gives my hand a small squeeze.

"Okay, why don't we watch The Lion King?"

I chuckle at her eagerness. "Fine. Even though it's for kids."

"Hey now, you know you love it."

"Only if I get to sing Simba's part in Hakuna Matata."

"No fair. Ugh you are such a bully Jaella Fox," she complains, crossing her arms over her chest childishly.

"You know you love me." I smile a wide Cheshire Cat like grin at her.

"Tolerate. I tolerate you."

The rest of the night is spent eating popcorn and singing very badly to The Lion King soundtrack.

The next morning, I wake to my alarm yelling at me at 6:45. I force Alex out of her makeshift bed and go to take a quick shower. Afterwards, I throw on black jeans, converse, a red v-neck t-shirt and a black blazer over it. Alex and I hop onto the already crowded bus that will take us a block away from headquarters and take a seat near the front.

"Want to grab some coffee and a muffin once we get off?" I ask to her hopefully.

"Would I ever say no to a coffee and raspberry muffin?"


The bus stops abruptly and we lurch forward. The lights begin to flicker and then shut off completely.

"I'll check what the problem is. Everybody stay in your seats," calls the bus driver from ahead of us.

"Jaella," Alex whispers from beside me. "Something isn't right."

I make sure that my gun is securely at my hip and then quickly take out my phone. I briskly scroll through my contacts and find a name that might be able to help.

Ringing.. Ringing.. Ringing.. Declined.

Two men dressed in all black step onto the bus. I feel my body stiffen and then begin to tremble. I recognise them immediately. David Michaels and Kurt Slayne. They look like wild animals. David's black hair is scruffy and to his shoulders. Kurt looks like his blond hair was shaved but has had a week or two to grow it back. They have both gotten more muscular and have way more tattoos compared to the last time that saw them. Their hungry eyes scour the passengers until landing on me.

"Hello Angel." Kurt smiles a toothy grin. "Long time no see."

I abruptly stand and point my gun at him. He merely laughs.

"What do you want?" I ask, making my voice sound more confident than I feel.

"You," says David from behind him. "Otherwise everyone on this bus is going to be shot."

Both him and Kurt take out large guns and point them at surrounding passengers. Fear grips every fibre of my being.

I cannot let more people die because of me.


Alex goes to stop me but I give her a warning look. As I pass her I grab onto her hand and give a knowing squeeze.

"It's gonna be okay," I whisper with glistening eyes.

"I won't rest until you're found," she replies, tears rolling down her cheek.

"Leave your belongings," shouts David.

I give my phone and gun over to Alex and walk to the top of the bus. Kurt looks at me straight in the eyes.

"We are gonna have some fun."


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