Chapter 28

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Spencer's POV

I sit with my chin resting on my hand, whilst looking aimlessly out the window of the jet. Normally the passing clouds would fill me with satisfaction that another case was closed, but not today.

We just finished up in Georgia after catching two unsubs. They would go around to family homes, kill the father and make the other family members watch. Both coming from households without a father figure, they found each other. I wasn't much help during this case, which I feel quite guilty about. My mind was somewhere else. At least they got caught in the end.

It's been six days since Jaella was rushed to the hospital.

At the abandoned hotel, I had found her, more bloodied and bruised than it had shown on the video, with a gun pointed at her. I tried to react as quickly as possible, with a shot in the back of Kurt Slayne's head. He died almost immediately. Unfortunately, his gun fired a millisecond before mine. I tried to coax Jaella to stay awake, but it wasn't enough. The other four men were all found on the top floor, watching the scene between Jaella and Slayne.

Thankfully the bullet missed her vital organs and spine. The biggest injury was actually a blow to the side of her head when the bullet entered her stomach and she was knocked against the wall. This caused for her to go into a coma like sleep after closing her eyes, which she hasn't woken up from. Yet. She'll have permanent scars and long lasting bruises from when those bastards 'spent time' with her.

I stayed in the hospital for as long as I could, which was actually only one day, until I had to leave for the case. I didn't want to go, but I knew that it was unlikely for her to wake up so soon.

"Hey Spence," calls JJ from across me. "Want to play a game of cards? I promise I'll go easy on you," she teases.

I give a small smile at her attempt to cheer me up. "No thanks."

I see JJ and Morgan share a glance from across the plane. Morgan takes off his headphones, places them on the seat that he was just in and walks over to sit beside me.

"Kid, we know that you're having a hard time with Jaella in the hospital, but we're here for you. I know how much you care about her, we all do."

"Thanks," I reply. I pause, contemplating whether or not to tell them.

They're my family.

"Um I just, I really really like her." I rub the back of my neck nervously, avoiding eye contact with the small group; JJ and Emily across from me and Morgan beside me. "She's different to anyone I've ever met, she puts up with my random statistics and awkward tendencies. She understands me and can make me laugh, even when I feel like laughing is the last possibility on earth. And I completely ditched her. I didn't even seek out the truth about her past with the Black Diamonds. Maybe-," I take a deep breath. "Maybe if I had just listened to her and I hadn't walked away, I could have protected her. And now she's in the hospital. And I don't know if or when she'll wake up." My voice breaks when I get to the last sentence.

JJ reaches across the small table and places her hand in mine whilst Morgan gives my shoulder a reassuring squeeze.

"Spencer. We all know you," begins Emily. "And we know that you aren't going to give up easily on this girl. I'll even bet money that you're going to see her as soon as this plane lands." True. "I'll also bet money that Jaella feels the same way about you too."

I quickly shake my head. "No. That's impossible. She could never-"

"Kid, this girl has been surrounded by men only wanting to take advantage of her for her whole life. If she was able to trust you to the point of staying in the same hotel room together, knowing that she'd be safe, you're special to her."

I look at Morgan to see any signs of lying. I don't spot any.

JJ now joins in. "Spence, we work in the BAU for god's sake. Anyone could tell that you like each other from a mile away."

I try to hide the smile creeping onto my face, but fail miserably.

The plane lands ten minutes later.

"Go get your girl Romeo," Morgan calls to me before I leave the jet.

YO BITCHES DA FUQ. WE GOT 2K REIDS. HOW?!? Cause I knooowww that this ain't right. Lil' old me. 2K. Who'da thunk it? When I saw it I was like babygirl you be trippin'.

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