Chapter 33

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Jaella's POV

His hands travel up and down my body, trying to touch every part of me, as our lips stay connected. He presses me against the wall to keep me in place. It's hot, sweaty. I feel as if the air is more difficult to suck in. He steps back from me to unbuckle his belt and then reconnects our lips, hungry for their taste.

I try to move away but it's no use. My body can't comprehend. I want it to, but it disobeys my orders. I muster up all of my strength and manage to get my hands in between him and me. I push. Hard. He stumbles back and looks at me with fury in his eyes.

I should've just kept him happy. Why did I have to anger him? It's not like I haven't put up with this before.

"You ungrateful bitch," he spits.

I feel a hot sting across my cheek and realise that he slapped me. Involuntary tears well up in my eyes but I hold them back, not wanting to show any weakness. I try to look for a way out. There aren't any doors.

How did I get in here?

I run to the other side of the dark room and begin pounding on the walls. I feel my skin rip due to the coarseness. I shout and scream, praying that someone will hear me. I'm pulled backwards by my hair and land in a heap on the floor. I let out a yelp at the sudden movement. He looms over me and I try to scurry away but my back is met with another wall. Kurt takes out his steel gun, aims it at my head and pulls the trigger.

"Goodnight Angel."

I jolt up abruptly, sweat dripping from my body and take in a large gulp of air. Kurt isn't in front of me anymore. I feel for any sign of a wound or injury but am met with nothing but my normal self. I let out a deep breath in hopes to calm down.

He's dead and he's still haunting me. Lovely.

I kick off the covers and with hasty steps, make my way to the bathroom. I take a quick shower, trying not to wet my hair. Even when I get soap in my eyes, I will for them to stay open, paranoid that if I close them, Kurt will find a way in. I step out of the shower and get into an oversized t-shirt that isn't coated in my sweat. I get back into bed to try and fall asleep again. After what feels like hours of trying to coax my brain to switch off, I decide to get up once again to grab a glass of water.

My feet make little noise on the wooden floor. I walk into the living area and almost fall flat on my face as I walk into the pull-out couch. Luckily, I quickly regain my balance and don't break my nose, always a plus in my books. I look over confusedly at the sofa and my eyes widen when I see Spencer's sleeping figure.

How tf did I forget that he was staying the night? Idiot.

I make my way around the makeshift bed and walk, now much more carefully, to the sink. I tilt my head back and down the drink in one go. I place the glass onto the countertop, promising to put it away in the morning and begin to walk away until I hear a loud crash from behind me.

Jaella you numpty.

Spencer shoots up, quicker than I've ever seen anybody move before, grabs a gun from beside him and points it at me. My breath hitches in my throat as the scene before me reminds me of the still extremely vivid dream from last night. Silent tears trail down my cheeks. His eyes seem to focus and he hurriedly puts the gun away whilst apologising over and over and comes to stand right in front of me.

"Are you okay?" He asks with concern, looking into my eyes. "Stupid question sorry."

I knock myself out of my trance. "I'm fine. Just wanted some water."

"Jaella, you're crying. I don't have to be a profiler to know that something's going on." His hand reaches up to my face and he gently wipes away my tears.

"No really I'm fine." I try to move around him in pursuit of my room but he places his hands on my waist and spins me around to face him. The intimate contact makes my cheeks heat up, much too quickly for my liking.

"It's okay if you're having nightmares. I used to get them a lot too," Spencer confesses. "I also know that if you talk about them, they feel less real and more comprehendible. Do you want to tell me about it?"

I nod silently and he takes hold of my hand and guides me to the makeshift bed. We sit across from each other but the lack of distance between us doesn't go unnoticed. I run my fingers through my hair nervously.

"I was with Kurt." Spencer noticeably stiffens at the name but encourages for me to continue. "He was forcing me to.. be with him. And then I tried to get away and call for help, but nobody could hear me. I felt so alone." I abandon the space between us and allow for myself to be held in Spencer's arms, with my head resting on his chest. "I wouldn't do what he wanted so he shot me. That's when I woke up."

"It's okay, I'm here. Kurt can't hurt you anymore. I promise to keep you safe," he whispers to me.

I stay in Spencer's embrace for a long time, with him soothingly tracing small circles on my back as I let the tears escape my eyes. Neither of us feel much like sleeping so we stay up and talk about anything and everything for what feels like days. Spencer tries his hardest to distract me with his awful jokes and some entertaining statistics, it works. Although, when I look at the clock, it's been only two and a half hours since first I woke up from my dream.

"Let me tidy up that glass," says Spencer, hopping up from the bed.

"Oh really it's fine. I can clean it in the morning."

"No way," he declares. "I am not letting you get any more injured than you already are. I'm ordering you as your doctor."

I roll my eyes playfully. "Spencer, you're not that kind of doctor."

"Oh hush."

He bends down and carefully picks up the shards one by one. He makes his way to the other side of the room but flinches as the pieces are dropped into the bin.

"You okay?" I ask with furrowed brows.

"Yep fine." He winces and turns around. I can see a slice along the palm of his hand which blood is beginning to flow from.

"Shit, ok. Take a seat on the bed and I'll grab some bandages." I hurry to the bathroom and grab any supplies I might need. When I return I see Spencer sitting obediently on the bed inspecting his cut. I take a seat next to him and begin to try and fix his wound. "This might sting a bit," I warn.

I hold his hand as gently as I can and get to work. I notice him biting his cheek, obviously trying to keep himself from yelling out in pain. I cautiously wrap his hand in a long white bandage, signifying that I'm finished.

He breathes out deeply. "Thank you."

He slowly uses his non-injured hand to lift my chin up to him. I look into those eyes that I love so much.

"No problem," I whisper.

His lips slowly move down to meet mine and I gladly accept. He's different to anybody else that I've ever been with. He cares about me, and I love him for it. We both grow more passionate and needy by the second. He moves his hands, exploring my body, making me burn with desire and lust. He trails soft kisses down to my neck and I moan in response. I feel him smirk against my skin, pleased with my reaction.

"Oh shut up," I whisper, embarrassed at how my body betrayed me.

I gently pull at his hair and he releases his lips from my neck. I pull greedily at the hem of his shirt and he gladly obeys, removing and throwing it to the floor. My own top joins it not too long after. I only get a chance to admire his toned chest for a second as our lips reconnect once again, more desperate than before. He places his hands under my thighs as I wrap my legs around his waist. My bare body feels on fire as it presses against his. I can feel his heart beating quickly, the same pace as mine. He stands and guides us to my bedroom. We don't break the kiss once during the whole exchange. He places me down on the bed as he hovers over me.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asks, breathing heavily.

"Yes. I'm sure," I confirm hurriedly, wanting nothing more than him. "Are you sure?"

He looks deep into my eyes. "I've never been so certain of anything in my life."

Is it getting hot in here or is it just me? Hehe hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I did.

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