Chapter 8

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Jaella's POV

We all reconvene in the local precinct. I arrive at the round table with coffees and teas for those who requested them. I hand them out and then place the last cup in front of a certain doctor who seems to enjoy an almost unholy amount of sugar with his java.

I lean to the side and whisper to Spencer, "Don't go dying on me of a heart disease Reid. We kind of need you for this investigation."

He looks at me with a confused expression and then remembers the mountain of sugar dissolved in his plastic cup.

"It helps for me to stay awake. I have trouble sleeping during cases," he explains. "My mind never seems to be able to switch off."

"Well what do you tend to do when not using your beautiful mind Dr. Reid?" I question.

Did I really just say that? Stupid.

I see his cheeks tint a light pink. "Oh, um, usually just read a lot and watch television, but mostly reading. As well as the normal things. Eat, sleep. Um, what about you?"

"I normally just wait around until the next case comes in. I really do love what I do. Though I usually don't have to be up close and personal with the bodies or witnesses like you guys do," I reply. "Hop in, get the suspect, hop back out again. What do you normally watch on tv?"

"Oh I watch documentaries, soap operas, sci-fi-." He quickly places a hand over his mouth as his eyes widen in surprise at his own choice of words. I merely laugh at his expression.

"Well you'll have to give me some recommendations for those soap operas," I tease in a playful manner.

He opens his mouth as if to speak again but Agent Hotchner comes through the door at that very moment.

"Team," he begins, "We have found a connection between all three victims." A picture of Eva White appears on the screen. "Ms. White was bisexual. Could be considered a 'sin' by a religious extremist." The picture changes. "Emily and Rossi discovered that Evan Lewis did in fact receive a promotion the week before he was murdered. His colleagues say that he was very open about it, almost to the point of bragging. This could be classified under the sin, Pride." The picture changes to the most recent victim. "Ms. Burns as we found out from her husband was sexually assaulting him. This comes under the sin, Lust."

Rossi interjects with, "How would this unsub be able to discover that? Surely this would be kept under wraps."

"Mr. White also said that not many people knew of Eva's sexuality. This person would have to be someone that they already knew and trusted," adds Spencer.

"Or perhaps the unsub pin points houses and spies on them for a number of days. To kill these three victims alone they must have known their schedules," offers JJ.

Hotch speaks, "The murders were three days apart give or take a day so we can expect one soon. The only certain evidence that we have obtained is the name of the strip club that the unsub obviously frequents quite a lot to be carrying their card with them. We will set up there within two days time. Agent Fox will be briefed and prepared for then. She will be there for a while in order to discover the workings and can snoop around there. Garcia, I want for you to see if the strip club keeps records of regular customers and trace back any payments made in cash. Now, I will need you all rested. We all have accommodation in a hotel down the street."

My eyes widen. "Oh, um sir I actually have a place to stay with a friend not too far from here."

"Very well," he replies. "You can take one of the SUVs after we are dropped to the hotel. I expect for you all to be here by nine sharp tomorrow morning."

Coolaboola! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Cannot wait for the next one. Ooh I have big plans.

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