Chapter 5

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Jaella's POV

I stay back with Agent Hotchner as the others leave the conference room. He catches me up on what the team came up with and gives a basic profile. I listen intently even though I heard most of what he says from outside the door. We are about to rejoin the others when I turn to him.

"Sir, are the team aware of how I will be aiding this investigation?" I ask, carefully choosing my words.

I had found it strange when they all greeted me with as much kindness as they did. No matter how open a person was, once they figured out my previous job, I had always gotten glances across rooms or conversations had ceased to exist once I stepped into view.

"I have only been able to inform them on the case at hand Agent," he replies in his monotone voice.

Fabulous. Can't wait for this awkward conversation.

As soon as we step out of the doorway and into the main office I see the team look up, as if they were just discussing me. They were definitely just discussing me. I catch the eyes of Spencer as he seems to be the most approachable. His eyes are kind. And he gives me a small smile before quickly looking away nervously and rubbing the back of his neck.

Derek asks the million dollar question first.

"So, how will Agent Fox be able to assist us in this case?" He asks, more curiously than territorial. He directs his question towards Hotch.

"She will travel with us to Florida and be with us while assessing the murders. This is so that she can get a full picture of our unsub. Then she will be placed in the strip club that was named on the card left at Evan Lewis' office. Hopefully she will be able to seek him out and lure him to us. She will know her way around and as she has previous working experience in that particular area."

My eyes widen at his bluntness. When God was making this man, subtlety was not one of the characteristics he added.

Jeez Hotch, way to rip off the band aid.

I stand up straighter and push my shoulders back to prepare myself for the judgmental looks. As I bring my eyes up to meet with the team I see only mild surprise.

"Garcia I want for you to see if the three victims had any activities in common with each other, this could help us figure out how the unsub is getting to them. Okay everyone, wheels up in 30."

Hola amigos! Super short chapter I know. Deal with it hoes. Mwah x

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