Chapter 23

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Spencer's POV

I walk to my desk, feeling slightly dazed.

"Spence, what's wrong?" Asks JJ, sounding concerned.

She sits on my desk and hands me a coffee. Recently, I've been working extra hard and submerging myself in cases to try and distract myself from her. It feels like she should be in my life. Even though we only spent a couple of days together, I miss her being with me. I can tell that the team knows that I'm off, but they try not to mention it, thankfully.

"What do you mean?"

"You're looking a bit, I don't know, more frazzled than usual." I chuckle at her choice of words. "Seriously Spence, what's going on?" She looks up at me expectantly.

After a long pause I answer. "Jaella called me this morning."

Her eyes widen in surprise. "What did she say? Did she want to explain to you? What happened?"

"I um, well." I rub the back of my neck nervously. "I kind of declined the call."

"Well she can't expect for you to come around so quickly," JJ tries to reason. "You just need a bit more time."

"Yeah, I guess. I really wanted to pick it up but then I remembered all of the things that she could have done and.. I just freaked out."

JJ jumps off the desk and engulfs me in a hug. "Hey don't worry about it. It's not like anything bad could happen by you not picking up the phone. You can ring her when you feel like it."

I give JJ a small thanks and she goes back to her own desk.

"Everyone convene in the conference room in five minutes," announces Hotch whilst walking out of his office. "Be ready."

I sit at the round table with Garcia to my left and Morgan to my right. Hotch enters and begins his speech.

"Today at approximately 7:45am two known members of the Black Diamonds who escaped prison were seen on a public bus going into inner city Washington DC." Two pictures appear on the screen. Hotch identifies the man with long black hair on the left as David Michaels and the man with short blond hair as Kurt Slayne. I shudder at the thought of Jaella ever being near these guys. "Both were held in the DC Central Detention Facility until two months ago when they both, along with other previous members of the Black Diamonds, managed to escape. We can only assume that these past two months have been spent planning. On what, we do not know."

"Why would they be senseless enough to be seen on public transport?" Questions Emily.

"They took a girl from the bus. Garcia is currently going through identification softwares so that we can figure out who she is and why she would be of importance to them. By finding this out we may be able to discover their motive and possibly their next move."

I look over at Garcia's computer for a second but then decide to look away because, for once, I won't know what is going on. There's a reason why she's one of the best.

"They have probably found an abandoned building or old headquarters that the FBI didn't manage to find previously."

"Oh my god," says Garcia from beside me.

"What is it? What's wrong babygirl?" Asks Morgan from across the table.

"No this can't be correct." Garcia begins to tap furiously on her computer keys. "I'll run it through again, maybe it's just wrong."

"Garcia what is it telling you?" Asks Hotch.

"The- the girl it's.." She trails off and continues to stab her computer with her fingers. After a few seconds she stops, looking defeated. "The girl that was taken from the bus, it's Jaella."

I know I know. The kidnapping is kind of cliché, but like, lol. Hope you enjoyed.

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