Chapter 1

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Jaella's POV

I reach my arm tiredly to grab hold of the half full cup of coffee in front of me, in hopes of it making my actions less sleep deprived. I take a large gulp of the hot beverage. How would I survive without caffeine? Easy. I wouldn't.

I believe that introductions are in order. My name is Jaella Fox. That is pronounced Jail-a. Kind of ironic that I ended up working for the FBI with a name that has jail in it.

Wow we have a comedian in our midst *slaps knee*.

It seems only fair that you learn a bit about me. Ok. Let me put this in the nicest way possible. I had a shit upbringing. I don't exactly want to relive it by going into too much detail so I'll give you a summarised version. My old English teacher would be very proud.

With a father always begging for money that I had made and spending it on certain 'medication' which was very much illegal and with a mother who I do not know, will never know and do not wish to know, I didn't have many role models to look up to for the duration of my childhood.

I make my way to the bedroom of my small, or as I like to call it, cosy apartment. As I do up the last few buttons on my iron pressed shirt I think of where I'm headed. My job. I'm an FBI agent who, this sound cheesy and extremely cliché, loves justice. Seeing people put away for crimes that bring so much grief and torture to this world is one of the many perks.

But you can't have a rainbow without a little rain.

Of course you must deal with the murder, the abductions and all of the other aspects of the job. I specialise in undercover work. I travel around the country and assist different teams including the BAU, HRT and JTTF. I've never really felt at home anywhere but I stay in Washington DC as it's where my main office is. In reality, I could live where I want, but I stay here, as it's all I've ever known.

I simply play a part. Don't we all. Damn, that was kind of poetic. I'm usually called when a suspect is needed to be lured somewhere or compelled to confess. Of course, there's a reason for this 'talent'.

I'm not going to lie or beat around the bush. I was a stripper. I was in a bad place and just needed an income. Even with my high grades and good reputation, I dropped out of school. I couldn't handle late nights and the commitments to my studies. I was already half way through senior year as I'd skipped a couple grades due to my level of intelligence.

My boss at the strip club turned a blind eye when I applied at only sixteen. He needed workers and I needed money. Of course this meant that I had to be very 'friendly' with him on late nights.

I adored the feeling of men loving me, even if it was for just the amount of skin I showed. I felt as if I had put them under a trance and I could use them. Although, after a couple of years there, I learnt that they were using me just as much as I was using them.

So that's when I decided to enlist in an FBI training program. I could actually use manipulation skills to put away bad people. Win win. Due to the saved up money, I was able to place my father in the Aquila Recovery Clinic. It took a while for him to come back to his senses, but I got to see him sane for seven months, until he passed.

I pull the hair tie out of my hair, deciding to allow for the deep brown to frame my face. I am attractive. I hope that saying this doesn't make me sound full of my self or egotistical. I am simply aware that I have the looks needed to make straight men, who are too shallow to look for real beauty, conform to my commands.

I believe that is enough for now.

Hope you enjoyed, although it is gucci if you didn't. This chapter's purpose was to simply get the ball rolling and for you to be introduced to our main character and that's why it's pretty shit. Alrighty then.

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