Chapter 32

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Jaella's POV

"Ugh how I have missed this couch," I say dreamily, flopping down onto my red sofa. Spencer chuckles softly from behind me.

Alex is still in work so he offered to drop me home which I gladly accepted. I'll admit, I'm a bit weary of public transport after what happened the last time I was on a bus.

I turn around to see Spencer still standing in my doorway. "You can come in," I offer. "Wait are you a vampire? What have I done?" I dramatically put a hand on my chest and look out into the distance. "I just invited a vampire into my house! Please, please spare me! I swear the neighbour across the hall will have much tastier blood than I."

"Are you sure the doctor prescribed you the correct medication?" Spencer asks, feigning concern for my act.

"Oh hush you. I'm just excited to be back home."

He looks around at my apartment. "You know, for someone calling this place a home, there aren't many trinkets or personalised items."

"And Mr. BAU, what would that suggest about me?" I ask, actually curious.

"Usually it would mean that the owner doesn't have many ties to the place or doesn't feel as if they belong," he explains.

I digest his words and give a thoughtful nod. "Makes sense," I reply nonchalantly. "Never exactly felt any real connection to this place. I'm just here cause it's handy for work I guess." The thought of being alone again dawns on me. "Hey do you uh, wanna stay for dinner?" I ask looking at anything but Spencer.

"Sure, if you don't mind."

"Fabulous. I'll order in some food."

Twenty minutes later I carefully place a large bag filled with containers on the two person mahogany table. My kitchen, dining area and living room are all in the same space so it's quite a tight squeeze.

Spencer looks into the bag and then narrows his eyes at me. "Is that what I think it is?"

"I don't know what you could be referring to Dr. Reid," I say with a small shrug. I try my hardest to stop the grin fighting it's way onto my features.

"You just want to see my attempt at eating Chinese food with chopsticks don't you?" He points a finger accusingly at me.

I gasp in mock surprise. "However could you think so low of me? I would never want to purposely make you feel embarrassed." I make my eyes wide to resemble a puppy. "I just really wanted Chinese food, and I just got out of hospital you see, after being in a coma for six whole days and-."

"Okay okay I'll eat the food," he says hurriedly, with his hands up in surrender.

The next forty-five minutes are spent with me laughing my head off at the pieces of food practically jumping out from between Spencer's chopsticks and landing all around the apartment. He tries to act annoyed but I can see that he too finds the situation quite hilarious. Eventually, I decide that the torture is too much and hand over a fork.

"No way!" I exclaim. "George shot Lennie because he wanted for Lennie's last moments to be happy. If he was killed by the hunters then Lennie would've suffered. He shot his friend because he still cared about him."

"I disagree. You don't kill someone because you care about them. He knew that Lennie was dangerous and a threat to society and himself. He had let his threatening behaviour go on for too long, so he decided to kill him, no matter how much it hurt him to."

"You're impossible Spencer," I say exasperatedly. He smiles triumphantly. "That doesn't mean that you win this little dispute. I'm just tired of arguing with somebody with such backwards views." 

"Agree to disagree," he offers.

"Fine, even though your definitely wrong," I say under my breath.

"I heard that," Spencer says locking his eyes with mine.

He suddenly reaches across the table and removes a grain of rice from my hair that must've flown from his utensil a while ago. I feel my cheeks heat up from the sudden closeness. He retracts his hand and stands abruptly.

"I uh, I should probably leave now. Got quite a drive ahead of me. You'll probably want some alone time."

"Oh ok sure." I accompany him to the door, after we dispose of our plastic containers.

"Thanks for the food, as difficult as it was to eat, it was still pretty delicious." His smile drops as his eyes glance down to my now tapping fingers. "What's wrong?" He asks, sounding concerned.

"Nothing." I quickly force for my hand to stop moving and simply stay by my side.

"Jaella, please tell me," he pleads.

"I don't know," I say exasperatedly. "I guess I'm just a little scared. I don't feel like being somewhere all alone. At least in the hospital, if you or Alex weren't able to come, I knew that doctors would be checking up on me. I mean, what if more people escape from prison? What if they find me again? Spencer I-."

He cuts me off by stepping forward and engulfing me in a warm embrace. His hand soothingly strokes the back of my head whilst I fail at trying to calm my breathing. I feel as if every intake of air is getting caught in my throat which only makes me panic more. He takes ahold of my shoulders and scans my face.

"I will never let that happen again. Jaella, look at me, right at me," he coaxes. I make eye contact with those hazel eyes that I love so much for the safe feeling that comes with them. "Deep breaths in and out, that's it. Match my own." He proceeds to take long breaths in his nose and out his mouth. Once my breathing is regulated, he takes me in his arms once again. "I'm not going anywhere. Come on let's go back inside."

Can we just appreciate how much of a lil' bean Spencer is? I lerv you guys almost as much as I lerv him, and that's saying a lot.

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