Chapter 29

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Spencer's POV

I step into the hospital room to find Jaella exactly how I last saw her. Hooked onto machines and eyes still closed. The beat of the heart monitor is the only sign that she's still alive, apart from the small rise and fall of her chest. I hear footsteps behind me and turn to see Alex holding two coffee cups.

"Hey," I say awkwardly, giving a tight lipped smile.

"Hey." She motions to the cup in her right hand. "I saw you come in when I was at the vending machine, thought we could both sit and chat."

I nod a thanks and take the hot beverage from her hand. We both sit beside each other on blue chairs outside the hospital room. I take a sip to fill the silence and am surprised that the taste is just how I would usually have it.

"Jaella told me about the crazy amount of sugar you pile into your coffee," she says with a small smile. "She told me a lot about that trip." She points to the room in front of us. "She's stable. Her condition hasn't really changed from when she first came in though, apart from cuts healing and bruises changing colours."

"Thanks for being here," I comment. "I'd hate for her to wake up when I'm away and have no one to be here for her. Do you mind me asking, where are her parents?"

Alex looks down at her coffee when she replies. "She never knew her mom, never really wanted to. Her dad died around five years ago after she paid for him to spend his time in a rehabilitation centre here in DC. She didn't really know the real him until a couple of months before he passed. It's kind of just been me in her life since then. Although I feel like I might have to share her from now on."

"With who?"

"Spencer, I thought that you were a genius." She looks into my eyes expectantly. When I give her a confused look back she groans. "You! Goodness you are blind."

"Oh no, definitely not," I quickly deny. "I bet she hates me. I completely abandoned her when she needed me most, and we saw how that turned out."

"Trust me when I tell you this Einstein, she doesn't hate you." She takes a sip from her cup with a small smirk on her face. "Maybe even the opposite. They told me that you were the one who found and carried her out to an ambulance. Thanks. Sorry if I was a bit of an ass to you when we first met."

I chuckle softly. "I'm sure I deserved it."

"I'm sure you did too."

Alex goes home a little while later. She promises to be back in the evening tomorrow as she still has office work to do. With her job it has set hours that she still must attend. She was given a few days off to care for Jaella she explained to me.

I walk into Jaella's room and sit in a chair by her bed. I take out some files that I have to work on and get down to business. I even have to complete the file for Jaella's kidnapping, which is strange when the victim is lying down just a few feet away from me. Doctors and nurses come in every so often to check up on her and make sure that everything is how it should be. After a long while with my head down, I look up to the clock and realise that it's extremely late. That usually happens to me, I start reading or working and don't even notice the time flying by.

I shouldn't leave her alone. I can sleep here tonight. The chair isn't too uncomfortable.

I decide to put the heavy files away in my bag and take out a copy of some works by Edgar Allan Poe. I open up the hardback book and allow for my eyes scan the pages. Soon after I feel myself reading but not taking in any information. I read the same page at least three times before deciding that I should probably rest. I lay the book open, facedown on my lap and get into as much of a comfortable position as I can be in and close my eyes, ready to slip into unconsciousness.

I open my eyes suddenly and squint at the clock above the doorway. It reads 4:25. I look around to see what would have caused me to wake up. There, sitting up in bed is Jaella. I quickly rush to her side and try not to scare her too much as she must still be in a hazy state.

"How long have I been out?" She asks, her voice croaks from not being used in a long while.

"You're safe Jaella, don't worry. You're in the hospital right now. You've been unconscious six days now. Nobody can hurt you," I reassure.

She lets out a shaky breath, obviously relieved.

"Sorry if you don't mind me asking but.." She lifts her head and looks into my eyes with a questioning look. "Who are you?"

That's not a good sign. I know I'm evil mwahahaha. Lerv you all mwah.

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