Chapter 40

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Jaella's POV

Of course I've had pregnancy scares before, but never like this. Back then, my mind was already made up, I'd simply abort. I didn't have a steady job, I'd have to raise the baby alone and I didn't want for my child to grow up in that environment.

Although now, everything is different.

I can actually imagine a life, one with a family. This makes everything feel way more real, whereas before I didn't have much of a choice.

"Have you been getting any morning sickness?" Asks JJ from the other end of the phone. She's been checking up on me every so often over the last couple days, even though the team is still busy on a case. "Honestly, I have no idea why it's called morning sickness because you can get it at any minute of the day," I hear her mutter under her breath.

I chuckle lightly at her comment. "No actually, I haven't," I reply sheepishly, suddenly feeling a lot more anxious.

"Oh don't worry about that," she assures. "Usually it only starts during the sixth week, at least that's what happened for me. And you're not even sure if you're actually pregnant, so don't stress about it."

"JJ, you're being an amazing help. Thank you." And I really mean it. I would definitely be stressed out of my mind if she wasn't there to answer my never ending questions.

"Anytime, and you're sure that you want to wait for Spencer to find out about the possible embryo? We won't be back for another couple of days."

"Yeah I do, definitely," I say, more so to reassure myself than her.

"Alright, I'll talk to you later Jaella."


I lightly throw my phone onto the couch carelessly and begin to pace the room uneasily. Usually, if I were nervous, I'd make sure to have a cup of coffee in my hand to calm me down, but not now. Whilst anxiously awaiting Spencer's return, I've begun to do some research on the basics, what to do, what not to do. The fancy websites say that I'm allowed two hundred milligrams of caffeine, but I'm not taking any chances, so I've cut it out of my diet. If this were another situation, I would never be able to keep away from the addictive beverage, but at the thought of somehow harming.. whatever's inside me, I've dropped it completely.

I make my way to my bedroom and ruffle through the chest of drawers beside my bed. I pull out a purple jumper, which is much too big for me, mainly because it's Spencer's as I stole it from him a couple weeks ago. I put it over my head and slip my arms through, inhaling the smell of old books and coffee.

I get under the covers and curl up into a ball, allowing myself to breathe in the scent of the jumper, which sends me into a deep sleep.

I awake to a knock at the front door. I hastily throw the covers off me and tiredly walk towards the noise with fatigued steps. The knocking sound comes again and I begin to get impatient. I assume that it's Alex coming to check up on me.

"I'm coming, I'm coming, calm your tits," I yell through the door whilst unlocking it.

The door swings open to reveal a timid-looking Spencer. My jaw drops and eyes widen at his surprise appearance.

"Hey," he greets shyly.

I waste no time and quickly wrap my arms around his torso, engulfing him in a hug. He has to step back and steady himself so that we both don't go falling to the ground. He then holds me in the embrace that I've been longing for all week. After we break apart, I guide him to the couch, where we both sit facing each other.

"Nice jumper," he comments with a smile. "Thought I'd lost it for a while."

"I have no idea how it ended up in my drawer," I reply, feigning innocence. "Someone must have stolen it and put it there."

He lets out a light chuckle. He takes my hand in his and looks deep into my eyes.

"I was gonna go home to freshen up but JJ told me to come straight here, so I'm guessing you want to talk about everything."

"Spencer, about the fight. It really doesn't matter-."

"Jaella, I will never be able to forgive myself for what I accused you of and the words I called you. You are the most amazing person in this world and I'm so lucky to be able to be apart of your life," he bursts out.

"It's okay, really," I console. "You saw me, all dressed up, at a bar, with a random guy. I understand how it looked. My mind probably would've went to the same place if the roles were reversed," I say, meaning every word . "I shouldn't have kept the case a secret, I just knew that you'd try and stop me."

He scoots closer, so that we're only inches apart, and cups my face with his hand.

"I will do whatever it takes to make it up to you," he promises, looking into my eyes.

"That really means a lot and I forgive you completely." He breathes out a sigh of relief. "But there's something else that I wanted to talk about." His eyebrows furrow in confusion. "I don't know how to tell you this and I couldn't just tell you over the phone."

"Whatever it is, we can get through it."

Now or never.

I clear my throat and take multiple deep breaths in hopes of calming my increasing heart rate. "Spencer, I may or may not be, well there's a chance, a small possibility.." I stumble over my words, trying to find the correct way to arrange the sentence that will change both of our lives.

"Jaella, what's going on?" He asks, confusion evident on his features.

"I think I'm pregnant."

wHAt WiLl haPpEN nExt??? Dun dun duuunnnnn...

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