Chapter 30

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Jaella's POV

Hands everywhere.

They poke and pull and prod my skin.

They grab and tear and scratch my clothing.

I can't see any faces but I know that the hands are male, due to the coarse and rough skin. There's a spotlight on me and I want to get out of it so that the hands will leave me alone. Maybe if I escape they won't be able to see me. I try to get out of the circle of light but am pushed back in by more hands. They crowd my vision as I try to find a way out. I hopelessly try to escape, all the while feeling more and more anxious to break free.

The hands are gone. No longer am I in a singular spotlight. Instead I'm in a field, filled with wildflowers of all different colours. The sky is a light blue, with no clouds in sight. A hand is placed in front of me but instead of threatening me, it is faced palm up. I look to see who it belongs to and there, is my father, looking younger and healthier than I've ever seen him.

My breath catches in my throat. "Papa, is that really you?" I question in disbelief.

He smiles softly at me. "Yes Leanbh. It's me." I just look at him, and take in the man before me. "I'm sorry I couldn't be like this for you while I was still alive."

"No no that doesn't matter now," I say just above a whisper, still in a state of shock. I stand still, capsulated by his golden eyes that look so much like mine.

I quickly pull him into a hug. My head rests on his chest as he brushes my hair lovingly. When we break apart he has trails of tears marking his cheeks, matching my own. We sit down on the soft grass beneath us. I can feel the sun against my face as I close my eyes.

"I'm so proud of you Leanbh. You've done so much with your life and have made me so proud."

I look over to the man beside me. "Papa, I'm scared." My voice quivers. "What's going to happen to me?"

"That's up to you my darling. You can stay here with me or go back to live your life. No answer is incorrect, but I would hope that you see how much there is still left behind you. I'll always be here when you need me."

I digest my fathers words. After a few minutes of silence I finally speak up. "I think I know what I want."

He gives my a loving smile and takes ahold of my hand. "I was hoping that was what you'd decide."

"Can I stay here with you for a little longer?" I ask in a quiet voice.

"Of course Leanbh."

My hearing is the first thing that comes back to me. I listen to the beeping. It's quiet at first, faraway even. Gradually it becomes closer and closer until I will for my eyelids to open. I'm met with the sight of a white ceiling. I stay still for a couple of moments, trying to adjust after my vision. Then, with as much strength as I can muster, I sit up on what I realise is a hospital bed. My body aches tiredly. The small room around me is dimly lit and has monitors and wires everywhere. The events with the Black Diamonds come rushing back to me and I begin to breathe heavily.

No you're in a hospital. That means that you were found.

Hazel eyes and a soothing voice renter my mind as a faint memory.

He was the one who found me. He shot Kurt.

I look to my left and almost have a heart attack when I see a tall figure slumped in a rather uncomfortable position in the chair beside the bed. I calm down once I see the man's face and realise that it's Spencer. My heart feels as if it grows in size, even though that would probably be quite bad anatomically. I also notice dark circles under his eyes. There's a book placed on his lap. I lean over to try and see what the title is but with my still extremely weak body strength I slip and lurch forward, but I manage to catch myself just in time.

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