"Is everyone here also addicted to this junk?" I ask sad for the girls.

"Look I'm the provider, someone here has to keep their brain clear," Dion says. "Alec also refrains from using it, he's not the drug kind of person. Vickie also, she isn't fan of it. It's out of her-"

"Fashion code." Every guy finishes.

"You don't?" I ask Alec smiling.

"Aw," Dion coos when Alec kisses me. Alec shakes his head, it somehow does makes me happy. At least I know I don't have to expect him walking through my doors tripping over himself.

"Wait so Vickie, she's clean."

"I hate the term clean," Trevor murmurs in the back stuffing his face with junk food. "Do I look dirty? I'm very much clean I shower twice a day with soap."

I roll my eyes.

"Vickie is actually the cleanest out of all of us," says Cris. "Except with her little problem with game playing. She loves to bet a lot of money on table games. I think she'll drive her parents bankrupt."

"We are all some way or another fucked up," says Ray.


The silence is interrupted when the sound of crashing takes over. I turn to look back, Alex who hasn't engaged with the conversations is crying. I gasp from surprise walking straight for him. It does something in me to watch someone who I thought ought to be strong cry. I touch his shoulder, but he shrugs me off. I come to stand in front of him and lift my hands to touch his and drop them from his face. His phone is crushed in his hands, and I remember when I came in he was talking in the phone. I cup his face in my hands and wipe his tears away.

"It's fixable," I say to him.

"Man what happened?" Trevor asks coming to us.

I look around, I was the first to be here, and notice before anyone did. Alex looks at me a weird way, and crashed me against his chest for a hug. I pat his back and wrap my arms around him. What the hell did I just stepped into? Either way I am here for Alex, I'm sure he's not crying for any reason.

"It's Alexandra," he says letting me go after a long time.

"Your sister? What happened to her?" Trevor asks.

By the frightening look on his face Trevor had met Alexandra before. As the frightening look expands across the room, everyone here knew Alexandra except me. But Trevor out of all of them was the most effected, turning not pale but green.

"She's dead," Alex cries. "My sister is dead!"

I gasp tears streaming down my eyes. "Alexandra Martinez?" I ask doing my best not to just drop on my knees and rock back and forth in horror. The faces of all of them confirm for me indeed it is the Alexandra I know.

I hear a clanking sound before I can run away from the scene. Surely someone has decided to push me away from the hallway as if the space wasn't enough for them, causing my lunch directly into a free fall to the floor. I groan and kneel in the ground to clean everything. At least no one was here to witness the embarrassing moment.

"Stop guys!" I hear a cry, but it's a I'm-laughing-so-much-it-hurts cry.

Keep your head low, act like you aren't cleaning the floor. I secure the strap of my back pack over my shoulders taking the apple and going for the garbage. I stand up just to crash into a wall, which isn't exactly a wall, but someone as dumb as a wall. It's Frederick, a high school jerk, who can't be any more stupid because he's a homo sapiens and has to contain a brain. I look up to someone two foots taller than me. He pushes me away slamming against a locker and dropping the stupid food all over again.

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