Chapter 62

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A Student
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Chapter 62
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Vomment

I wake up with a gasp. My mind slaps my face with the memories of a few hours ago reminding me why I'm in a white room. I see a nurse who was talking to my mother notice my awakening. She calls for the doctor and enters the room to attend my needs.

"Alec," I say to her. My breaths become hitched and obstruct by the raspy sensation. I appreciate the glass of water and take it all down feeling a burn in my throat. I look down to my hands and I begin to hyperventilate seeing blood in them. I blink away the image, and close my eyes to remember those blue eyes.

The nurse simply walks away with the doctor ignoring me. My mother and Mrs. Ivanova come inside the room and my mom takes my hand. Mrs. Ivanova sniffs and comes closer to me to touch my diamond necklace.

I grasp it tight in my hand. I shake my head at Mrs. Ivanova and she understandingly takes her hand away from my necklace.

"We didn't let them remove it," says Mrs. Ivanova for assurance.

"I want to see him," I say. "Where's Alec?"

My mom opens her mouth but only tears stream down her eyes. She traps my free hand tightly in hers while she cries. Mrs. Ivanova takes a deep breath, tears pooling her eyes. "Nysa I'm sorry," says Mrs. Ivanova. "Alec, my son, he's dead."

I simply blink and open my mouth, "what?" I softly whisper as if I didn't heard anything.

"Alec is dead," Mrs. Ivanova repeats crying.

I shake my head again refusing to believe such horror. I smile softly, "your son isn't dead," I assure her. "He's alive, he promised forever. Alec wouldn't leave without me."

"I'm so sorry sweetheart. I'm so sorry," Mrs. Ivanova keeps repeating sobbing loudly. "I'm sorry but Alec is gone, sweetie. I know it's hard but Alec is dead. He's gone, and he's not coming back to you anytime soon."

I shake my head furiously and begin to rip away every tube and needle inserted in my body. No, Alec isn't dead. He promised me forever. He promised me eternal love. He said he loved me, he said he would protect me. I hop off the bed and make my way to the door. I slam the door open and begin to walk the halls. Alec wouldn't hurt me like this, I know he's somewhere. He promised forever, he can't leave me yet. He's mine, and I'm his, and we have a lot of things to do before going into our afterlife.

I blink, the millisecond I spend closing my eyes and opening them again I see it. I hear the bullet being fired by the gun and I turn around to see if it's coming my way. But there's nothing, just nurses and old people walking around. I blink again, and I feel something thick and warm in my hands. I look down and I see blood, crimson red blood. Alec's blood. I blink harder and see the blood be gone from my hands. I begin to hear my heart pound with need for Alec. I feel my blood rise everywhere, feeling the rush of crashing waves of blood in my skin. I blink again hearing the same shot and I begin to run.

I run fast through the hallways screaming Alec's name.

"Alert, patient on mental crisis, down main hallway. Alert, patient on mental crisis running down main hallway," I hear a voice call on a speaker.

I see a man coming down a hallway and I sprint fast going straight for the doors. I hear my mother's sobs and her voice calling out my name meanwhile I am internally screaming for Alec to wrap me in his arms and promise me everything will be okay. I see my brother run my way and I use my elbow and forearm to push him against a wall so hard he falls over leaving a dent on the blue wall. I see another man running my way with a jacket for crazy people and I throw a serum at his face. A man tries to tackle me and I go under his legs to run straight for the double doors.

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