On the positive, my mother and I have mended our tricky relationship. She ended things with Drew, deciding to carry on and give birth to a lovely little girl whom I adore. At first, I resented her and her newly found happiness. I sometimes allowed the darkest of thoughts to wander into my mind, forcing me to think and question why it's possible for her now when it's never even an option for me. However, with the help of therapy and simply speaking what's roaming across my mind, I've transformed all my fears into opportunities for growth.

Even today, I find beauty on this hot summer day in New York City as my mother and I walk through Central Park. She pushes little Aurora in the carriage as Alfonzo follows behind, making humorous faces whenever I turn. We make joyful conversation, talking about everything and anything as we savor our lunch on a nearby bench. I hold the sleepy baby girl in my arms, kissing her cheeks as she fights a tempted smile. My mother watches me, unable to hold her own happiness inside as she speaks.

"When do you leave for France?"

"In two days. I won't be gone for long though. It's just a short work trip."

"Where are you going exactly?"

"Cannes. It's the annual film festival. I'll attend that, maybe write a little with Ben before production begins."

She nods, impressed with my motivated and accomplished goal of finally transforming and turning my thoughts and words into paper by transcribing them into my own directed motion picture. It wasn't easy at first. It took a lot of convincing for the world to see that I'm more than just a pretty face in front of the camera. Many rejections were brought across my path, but after acquiring the right team, we were finally able to bring the pieces together.

"Is Ben flying out with you?"

"No, he's already there with Xavier. They're on their honeymoon so after that's over, we'll meet up for some coffee one day."

"Sounds like fun." When I nod in return, she speaks quietly this time, knowing what's on my mind. "Your father would be very proud of you."


"He adored you so much Layla. You were his little star. He was your biggest fan, even if he never admitted it."

The flight to France is an absolute rollercoaster of emotions as I try not to think of the last time I stepped foot on its heavenly sand. The media once we follow the exit doors is in quite the frenzy, wanting to greedily welcome all the stars that step out of the airport. They photograph picture after picture, blinding me by their lights as I'm still incredibly grateful for the support. Alfonzo shuts the car door behind him, cursing like a sailor, causing me to laugh.

"Careful there Alfonzo, your temper is starting to show. You need to keep the blood pressure down, remember?"

"Layla James, if you don't keep quiet..."

"You'll what?" He doesn't say anything at first, causing me to playfully roll my eyes in return. However, the second I begin to peel the small clementine that remained safely in my purse, he reaches for it, eating it all in one bite. "Hey!"

"Hey there," He taunts.

"I found that off the ground, you know. Hope it's tasty." He meets my challenging gaze quickly, looking over his shoulder to flick me off, turning with a kind wink as we both enjoy a much needed round of laughter.

Cannes. You're just as beautiful as I remember. You smell of pure love with your dazzling oceans and breathtaking scenery. You make my heart skip a beat as I walk throughout your lands, admiring the marble stoning on the ground. You've always been and always will be magical.

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