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------ Millie ------

It felt like I was floating.

Was I dead?

It was very peaceful, wherever I was. I couldn't hear or feel anything.

In fact, it was then I noticed that I couldn't breathe.

But that wasn't necessarily a bad thing, as it turned out. I waited for the moment my lungs wouldn't be able to hold any longer, but it never came. It wasn't that I couldn't breathe- it was more like I didn't need to breathe.

Definitely dead.

I decided to open my eyes.

At first, everything was dark and blurry. I couldn't focus on anything. So I waved my hand in front of my face.

Couldn't see it.

Where was my hand?

I looked down at my body, only to find that I didn't have one.

What was going on here?

Then, everything sharpened. I took a deep breath, and it filled me with an unknown energy. One I hadn't felt before.

I then realised where I was.


I waited for panic to set in.

It didn't.

I moved my arms again, and this time I did see them- but they weren't physical flesh and bone. They were virtually invisible. I could only just see the outline of them when I moved. The same went for the rest of my body.

I giggled, still not entirely sure what was going on here. My thoughts were a bit jumbled, and I struggled to pinpoint the reasoning as to why I was even here.

I splayed my barely-visible fingers out away from me, and watched the water swirl around them, playfully. I'd never felt my connection to the water this strongly before. In fact, it was almost as if I could feel this entire body of water...

Something happened. It almost felt like my entire body was expanding. Spreading out. I became aware of everything within these waters. Every stone. Reed. Boat. For a moment, I couldn't even see the blurred outline of my body. I was just one with the water, moving from one area to another almost instantaneously.

It felt incredible.

But then  it hit me.

Ronan's face appeared at the forefront of my thoughts, and dread filled me. Where was he? David. Irina. Were they still alive? The last few moments all rushed back to me in a matter of seconds, and even though I was still confused about how I ended up in the water, I realised that Fujio was probably still out there.

I needed to get out of here.

It seemed as though the water was in tune with my thoughts. Or were my thoughts in tune with the water?

Either way, I knew that in that moment, I was in complete control.

I felt my water-fused body rise quickly to the surface, before shooting through. Somehow, the water continued to carry my now flesh-and-bone-body, even above the surface, before landing me on the concrete. I landed hard on my feet, but on my feet all the more, and flicked my wet hair back over my shoulder.

From here, I could see Fujio- only because he was easily ten times bigger than before, and... a fucking dragon. I had to stare for a moment, just to make sure my mind wasn't playing tricks on me. That the lack of oxygen hadn't actually affected my brain.

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