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I woke bright and early, knowing I needed to go and give the stone to Adam- it was risky enough that I'd kept it on me all weekend.

I hopped on the tube, made my way to Akio's restaurant, and then knocked on the door. It didn't take long for Adam to come and answer it.

"Oh, hey." He said. "Come in."

I stepped inside before pulling the little velvet bag out my pocket, and handed it to him.

Adam smiled. "Thank you so much." He said, as we walked upstairs. "Now we need to find a way to get the other two from Fujio."

I nodded. "Did anyone find out whether the box at the museum was real or not?" I asked.

Adam shook his head. "There's no way to tell, especially if it's an exact replica. The only way to find out would be to introduce all four stones to it and see if it opens."

"Oh." I said. "That sucks."

"Mmh." Adam agreed.

"But how is it that it's in the museum?" I asked. "Surely Fujio would have taken it already?"

"I thought that." Adam said. "But then I asked Jo, who reckons Fujio does know that the box is there. If the relic is inside the box, then there would be no need to steal it and draw attention. Instead, he will probably get the stones, open the box and take whatever is inside before leaving the box where it is."

"Makes sense, I suppose." I said. "I didn't think Fujio would care about drawing attention, though."

"Let me tell you, he certainly won't care once he gets the contents of that box." Adam said. "Anyway, I better put this with the other one." He held up the stone, and walked into Akio's room where the strange picture was, and then came back.

There was that slightly awkward silence again- not as bad as before, but noticeable.

"Anyway, I better go." I said, standing up. "I have uni later, and I haven't finished all my work."

I mean, I wasn't lying. I did have work to be doing.

"Okay, sure." Adam said. "Thanks again, for your help."

I smiled. "Anytime." I walked past him. "See ya later." I said.

"See ya." He said, and I left.


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