|Chapter 17 - Damn it, Carnage!|

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"Hey, Morsel~" A deep, calm voice whispers sweetly into my ear, making me hum tiredly and turn around, my back towards the voice.

"Hey, wake up~," the voice says again, and I hum again, digging my face into the covers.

"You're too cute~ But come on, get up," My eyes open tiredly, and I look over my shoulder to see the handsome face of Venom. He's standing up, looking down at me with one knee on the bed, looming over me.

"W-what? I-I'm too tired..come and wake me up in a-about three hours..." I yawn, turning back around and closing my eyes once again.

"That's too long. Come on, Cletus made pancakes," Venom whispers again, licking my cheek lovingly, and I squeak, hiding under the covers again.

"Knowing Cletus, it's probably poisoned," I answer, and he chuckles.

"Come on, Morsel~," he says again, and I huff.

"No.." I simply say, closing my eyes once again, to try and at least get some more sleep. I suddenly feel the sheets being ripped off of me, and I yelp, as I look up at Venom with wide eyes.

"V-v! No! I don't want to get up!" I whine, and he smirks, quickly picking me up before I could grab the covers again. I'm slung over his shoulder, and I tiredly and uselessly hit my fists against his back.

"V! P-put me down!" I whine, and I yelp and quickly freeze, and slowly look over my shoulder.

"You like that~?" He asks, the tone in his voice taking a seductive turn. My eyes widen, as I still feel the sting of my behind.
He just slapped my ass.

"I-I..Umm...j-just take me out to the kitchen.." I whimper, and he chuckles, walking towards the door and opening it, leading out into the hallway.

When we reach to the kitchen, Venom gently sets me down onto the kitchen tile floor, my feet gently hitting the ground. I fix my pajama shorts, making sure that the redness of my behind isn't showing.

I turn and see Cletus slapping some bacon onto a pan, and when he notices me he smiles.

"Sup, sweetcheeks!?" He says happily, leaning against the counter. I blush, and a growl suddenly comes from behind me, and a strong arm pushes me back against a chest, which I can only assume is Venom's chest.

"Lose the nickname," Venom says, glaring at Cletus. Cletus gulps, and nods quickly, instantly looking back to his bacon sizzling on the pan.

"U-umm..where's Carnage..?" I ask as Venom begins to shrink down into Eddie, his face bright red.

"Oh, umm...look on the island," Cletus answers, and I look over to the island, and slowly walk over to it. The island is full of cooked breakfast food, and a single open cereal box in the middle.

"Umm, he's not-Ahh!" I shriek, jumping back as the cereal box suddenly jumps up and falls over, cereal pouring out, and a little red gooey Carnage slipping out, laughing obnoxiously.

"C-carnage!" I whine, and he laughs, his little goo arms displayed in the air above his small head.

"W-what!? Hahaha! You should h-have seen your face!!" He laughs, and I pout, crossing my arms and looking down at the ground.

"J-jerk.." I mumble.

Cletus faces Eddie, and his eyebrow raises, "Hey Ed, you alright?" Cletus asks, and Eddie gulps, looking between me and Cletus.

He chuckles nervously, "U-Uh..(Y/n)..bedroom...Venom...spank...umm..." He begins to splutter nonsense, confusing Cletus and Carnage, but my face instantly turns red. I forgot that he could see everything that Venom does! He saw Venom slap my ass!

"Oh my god!! You saw that!? I-I'm so sorry!!" I shout, covering my mouth.

"Eh, i-it's okay...it was V-v's fault anyway.." He says.

"What was his fault?" Carnage asks. Cletus turns off the stove, laying the freshly cooked bacon onto a nearby paper towel on the counter.

"U-uh n-nothing!! Nothing!" I quickly shout, and Carnage begins to snicker. Venom's head sprouts from Eddie's shoulder, joining in on the conversation.

"Wait, was it something to do with what happened in the bedroom last night?" Carnage asks smugly, and my face turns even redder from embarrassment. Eddie doesn't know about that!

"What!? What happened in the bedroom last night!?" Eddie asks, suddenly alarmed. Oh shit!

"Nothing did," Venom grumbles, glaring at Carnage in anger and annoyance.

"No, what the fuck happened!?" Eddie asks again, and I stay silent, as does Cletus.

"I walked in on them making out," Carnage says, and I facepalm.

"We were not making out!" Venom shouts.

"Yes, you were! You two were under the covers doing something! Probably making some babies or something!" Carnage shouts back, and I quickly rush back to my room in embarrassment.

"Nothing happened!!" I shout, slamming my door and breathing deeply. Oh my god, that was so embarrassing!

I am so going to get payback on Carnage for that!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2020 ⏰

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