|Chapter 16 - Confession..|

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"V! I said not yet! Why do you always eat them before I put the chocolate on them for you!" I whine as I watch the little black blob, known as Venom, eat up the tater tots from the hot pan set on the island.

"I'mph too hungwy!!" He shouts, his voice muffled from the food in his mouth. I shake my head, and rip open a Hershey bar.

"What are those..?" Carnage asks, his own little red goo form crawling up onto the island next to Venom. Carnage goes to grab a tater tot with his little goo arm, but instead, Venom hisses at Carnage showing his sharp teeth, and Carnage yelps falling backward off of the island. I gasp, and quickly throw the chocolate bar onto the counter and catch his little goo form from hitting the ground.

"V!" I shout, and he only shrugs and goes back to eating his tater tots. I roll my eyes and quickly reach out to grab three tater tots and I set Carnage down gently onto the counter.

"Hey! Don't you dare give him any!" Venom whines and I look back to him with a daring smile.

"Or what?" I ask, and he glares at me, as I put the three tater tots down in front of Carnage. Venom growls lowly and goes back to eating his hot pan full of tater tots. Carnage slowly eats one tater tot, and then quickly chows down the rest, his eyes wide. Welp, guess he likes them.

Cletus and Eddie are out getting more food, so I'm left here stuck with these two morons. And they're already driving me crazy. I shrug and eat the chocolate bar in my hands, and Venom suddenly whines again. I laugh, and pat Carnage on the head and walk out into the living room.

Time Skip

A few minutes later Eddie and Cletus finally get back, hauling a bunch of groceries into the apartment.

"I wanted to fucking kill that guy! If I had Carnage with me I would of!" Cletus growls, throwing the groceries onto a nearby counter, and then stomping towards the living room. My eyes widen, as I watch the angry male stomp out of the kitchen, and I look at Eddie with a confused expression.

"Yeah..let's just say a guy pissed him off.." He says with a nervous smile, setting the groceries onto the island next to the hot pan of tater tots.

"You better of gotten more tater tots, " Venom says, and I facepalm. This handsome Symbiote is going to be the death of me. Wait, did I just say that in my head? Carnage slithers onto the floor and goes towards the living room to go see his angry host.

Venom slithers across the island, and Eddie holds out his hand, and Venom slithers onto his hand and up to his arm, then sinking back into Eddie's shoulder.

It's been the third day since Cletus and Carnage have started living here, and honestly it's not that bad. But Cletus really does have a temper. So does Carnage, but he seems to handle things a little better than Cletus does. I still haven't asked Venom about Carnage being his kid. It really confused me.

"Hey, umm...so...I'm confused.." I say, setting the chocolate bar down onto the counter behind me. Eddie raises an eyebrow and walks over to me, Venom's head suddenly sprouting from Eddie's shoulder.

"What are you confused about?" Eddie asks, leaning against the island.

"Well, umm...V, is Carnage actually..your kid?" I ask, and he scoffs.

"I wish he wasn't.." He growls, and my eyes widen. Has something happened between them?

"Why do you..say that?" I ask, and he sighs.

"Just, some things that had happened in the past..I don't wanna talk about it right now. It's just that I still don't..trust him, or forgive him for what he did.." He says, glaring off into the living room. I nod, showing that I understand. Now, I'm really curious.

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