|Chapter 5 - Chocolate Ice Cream!|

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-(Y/n)'s POV -

Me and Eddie decided to go to the ice cream store, that's just a couple of blocks away from my place. We walk down the street, and Eddie begins to talk to himself, but I know that he's only talking to Venom.

"Hmm? Why?" He asks Venom, who I can't hear.
"Everything alright, Eddie?" I ask, and she looks at me, and nods.

"U-uhh..yeah..Venom is just being weird.." he says quietly, and I nod. It's a couple of minutes of silence still, until Eddie suddenly grabs my hand, making me gasp.

"S-sorry, it's just that when your touching me, you can hear Venom thru my thoughts too" he whispers, and I look at him confused.

Suddenly I can hear Venom speaking, and my eyes widen.
<Hello, (Y/n)~> Venom greets with a flirtatious tone. I giggle.

<Yeah, we can also talk to eachother thru here too> Eddie says, and I look at him.

"Wait, how did you do that?" I ask him, and he chuckles.

"Just, talk inside of your head, I guess?" He says, and I try.

"<Can you hear me?> I ask, trying to communicate thru my head to them.

<Yes> Venom says, and I giggle.

<Wow, this is so cool!> I exclaim, and Eddie chuckles, and so does Venom.

When we finally arrive at the ice cream store, we walk in, and the air gets colder. Which is good, because it's hot out today!

Me and Eddie walk up to the counter. I look up at the menu of ice cream flavors, and Eddie greets the worker.

"Hello, what can I get for you two today?" The worker asks, she has brown hair, and green eyes. She's very pretty too.

"Umm, I'll have the, blue moon flavor in a regular cone" Eddie says.

"Okay, let me get that for you" she says, as she walks off, grabbing a cone, and then getting the ice cream.

"So, you like blue moon?" I ask, and he shrugs.

"Yeah, but Mint is my other favorite" he says, and I nod. I look down, and I realize that we are still holding hands.

I slowly take my hand away from his, embarrased from all of the stares we are getting from some of the other customers, and workers that are in here.

Eddie smirks and he leans down to my ear.
"Their just jealous because you're holding hands with Eddie Brock" he whispers, and I giggle.

Earning glares from some girls at a table, that are all wearing belly shirts, and skirts. Well, don't want to get on their bad side.

The worker finally comes back with Eddie's ice cream, and she hands it to him, and he takes it.

"Thank you" he says, and the worker looks at me.

"And, for you?" She asks, and I look at her with a smile.

"Umm, chocolate please, i-in a waffle cone..." I say, and then Eddie suddenly jumps. The worker smiles, and goes off to get my ice cream.

"You okay?" I whisper to him, and he smiles nervously.

"Y-yeah, Venom just got excited because you said chocolate" he whispers back, and I raise an eyebrow.

He smirks, "he's addicted to chocolate" he whispers, and I giggle.

The worker then comes back with my ice cream, and she hands it to me, and I take it. Wow, that was fast.

"Thank you" I say, happily. She smiles, and then looks at the cash register.

"That will be $9.25" she says, and Eddie takes out his wallet, and hands her a ten.

She takes it, and she gets some change, and then hands it to him.

"Have a nice day!" She says, waving to us.

"Yup, you too!" Eddie replys back, as we walk to the door. Eddie opens the door for me.

"Ooh, what a gentleman!" I giggle, and he rolls his eyes playfully.


Me and Eddie sit at the park, on a bench. We sat in a area where there were no people, so then Venom could come out. He doesn't really like being cooped up inside of Eddie. He comes out of Eddie's shoulder, and he looks at me.

"Hey V" I say, and he nudges my cheek.
"Ooh, I like that name" he says, and I scratch him under his chin, taking another lick of my ice cream.

He begins to purr, and I laugh. I then stop, and he rests his head on my shoulder.

"So, what else should we do today?" Eddie asks, I shrug.

"Umm, I don't know" I say, and Eddie smirks, and so does Venom as he lifts his head.

"We can take a ride on my motorcycle" he says, and my eyes widen.

I've always been afraid of motorcycles.
"Umm, I'm not sure. To be honest I-I've always been afraid of motorcycles..." I say, looking down, embarrased.

"Aww, come on! It will be fun! I won't go fast. And plus, Venom won't let you fall off" he says, and Venom nods.

"Yes, we don't want you getting hurt, now do we morsel?" Venom says, and I laugh.

"Okay, I guess" I say, and Eddie laughs.
"See, that's the spirit!" Eddie says, nudging my arm. Venom suddenly comes closer to my face, and he begins to eye my ice cream.

"W-what?" I ask him, and he nudges against my cheek.

Eddie laughs, and takes a bite out of his cone, that he's already down to.

"Chocolate?" Venom asks, and Eddie pulls Venom away from me.

"No, V. You have your own chocolate at home" he says, and Venom begins to pout.

"Hmph!" He pouts.
I giggle, and I hold my hand out to Venom.

"Come on V, I'll give you the rest" I say, and he quickly slithers out of Eddie's body, and onto my hand. He moves up my arm, and onto my shoulder, and his tiny little, goo arms reach for the ice cream.

"Hehe, you're so cute in your goo form! Hehe!" I giggle, and he chuckles.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Now can we have chocolate?" He asks, and I hand him the ice cream. He then, out of nowhere, licks my cheek, and I laugh.

"Hey, that tickles!" I say, wiping his thick saliva off of my face. He then begins to chow down the ice cream, getting crumbs everywhere. Eddie laughs, and so do I.

I really like these two...

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