|Chapter 4 - A Day With New Friends|

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I wake up, my one leg dangling off of my bed, and my hair all ruffled up. Well, I guess I slept well. I groan, as I slowly get up, and I grab my phone from my nightstand. I open my phone, seeing my beautiful flower background on my phone.

When my eyes finally adjust, I jump up, sitting up looking at my phone with now wide eyes. Holy shit! Eddie already called me at least 3 times! I look at the time, and it's almost one! I whip the blankets off of me, and I stand up. I guess I stayed up too late last night. Well, I did watch movies and eat ice cream until like, 3 in the morning. Damn.

Suddenly I hear a knock at my front door, and I jump, not expecting it. I set my phone down onto the nightstand. I begin to rush to the door, but then I stop. I look down, and I only have a long T-shirt on, and underwear. Nothing else. Not even a bra. Shit!

"Hold on!" I shout, and I quickly grab some PJ shorts from the floor and pulls them on.

I then fix my hair a little bit in the mirror, and I then rush to the door. I open the door, and I see Eddie standing there, with his hands in his jacket pockets. My eyes widen, and he looks at me with a smirk.

"It sure seems like you slept in," he says, the smirk still plastered onto his face.

I laugh nervously while looking down, "y-yeah, sorry I didn't answer any of your calls...I accidentally slept in.." I explain, and he shrugs.

"No biggy," he says, and I step aside.
"Umm, want some coffee?" I ask, and he nods.

"Yeah, uhh..sure!" He says, and he walks in.

I close the door behind him, and I walk to the coffee machine, and I begin to make some coffee.

"So...what do you want to do today?" I ask. Suddenly I squeak when I feel something cold, and kinda wet, begin to climb up my leg, and up my back.

"Venom! I told you to stay inside of me!" Eddie exclaims. I turn my head over my shoulder, seeing Venom's eyes, staring into mine. Awe, he looks so cute in his little goo form!

Eddie sighs, "sorry, he likes to disconnect from my body sometimes, and...slither around.." Eddie explains.

"U-uhh...it's okay..." I say, still looking into Venom's eyes. Venom then nudges his head against my cheek, and I shyly move my head away from his, and I look back down at the coffee machine.

"You smell good," Venom says, getting closer to my ear. I blush a light pink, and then I hear Eddie growl.

Eddie walks over to me, and he grabs Venom.

"Alright, that's enough Venom," he says, taking Venom off of me.

"But she's comfortable to be on!" Venom exclaims, making me giggle.

"No, you're being weird!" Eddie says, pointing his finger into Venom's face. Venoms huffs, and bites Eddie's finger, but not too hard, but hard enough to draw a little bit of blood. Eddie yelps and draws his hand away from Venom's face, and he holds it in his other hand, hissing at the pain.

"Venom!" He yells, and I giggle again. These two are just too funny. I press the coffee machine on, and I turn around to look at them once more.

"Umm, I'm going to go get dressed real quick...coffee should be done in a little bit.," I say, walking off to my room. I close the door behind me.

- Eddie's POV -

I watch as (Y/n) disappears into the small hallway, towards her room. Venom then slowly seeps into my body, and he makes his head appear from my shoulder.

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