|Chapter 10 - Now You Don't Smell Like Riot..|

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I sit on the couch, in the living room, watching TV. Well, to be exact I am watching Dr.Phil! I love watching Dr.Phil! I listen closely to the TV, while eating a can of pringles.

"So, you're saying, that Eminem is your father?" Dr.Phil asks the young lady across from him.

"Yes, he is! I swear he is!" She exclaims, while her mother next to her shakes her head in disappointment.

"And, do you have any proof if he is or not?" Dr.Phil asks her again.

"Well, I found pictures of him and my mom together.." she says, pulling out two pictures with her mother, and another man. That guy doesn't look like Eminem at all!

Her mom face palms, and shakes her head once again. Dr.Phil takes a closer look at the pictures, and he chuckles.
"You think, that, that's Eminem, with your mother...in that picture?" He chuckles, knowing that this girl is delusional.

I begin to laugh as I set my can of pringles down, onto the coffee table. Okay, I don't know if this girl is retarted, or if she's just delusional! I laugh out loud, again, until I am stopped by a familiar man's voice, making me gasp and look towards the doorway of the living room.

"What's funny?" Eddie asks with a smirk, as he's leaning against the doorway with his hands inside of his hoodie pockets. I giggle, and point to the TV.

"This girl on Dr.Phil hah! She thinks that Eminem is her father! Haha!" I laughed.

Eddie walks over to me, and sits down onto the couch next to me, and looks at the TV.

"Oh, I've already seen this one, it is pretty funny, haha!"

"Yeah, I remember watching this one too.." V says, putting his chin onto my shoulder. Woah, I didn't even notice him.

"Anyway, I'm bored.." Eddie says, leaning back into the couch.

"Same..can we go somewhere?" I ask, putting my legs into Eddie's lap, and leaning against the arm of the couch.

Eddie chuckles and blushes a bit.
"Sure, I don't see why-" Venom interrupts Eddie.

"No! We are not letting you leave the apartment.." Venom states seriously.

"W-what..why not!?" I ask, taking my legs off of Eddie's lap, and then sitting criss cross applesauce.

"Because, it's too risky. Riot might find your scent.."

I huff, and cross my arms in a pouting manner.

"Why do you have to be so protective of me?" I pout. Venom sighs, and then looks at Eddie, like he's asking for permission for something.

Eddie chuckles, "go ahead" he says, looking the other way.

Suddenly Eddie turns into Venom, and Venom stands up from the couch, his head almost touching the ceiling at his full height.

I refuse to look at him, keeping my stare out the window.

"(Y/n)..." Venom says, walking closer to me, and then looking down at me with his pure white eyes. I don't answer him, which just annoys him more.

"(Y/n).." he says, annoyed. I huff again, and I still keep my stare out the window.

"(Y/n), stop ignoring me.." he leans down, and puts one hand on the back of the couch, behind me, and then his other hand is against the arm of the couch. He has me trapped.

He smirks and leans down, closer to my face. I gulp, and I finally look up at him. My heart begins to race as my eyes meet his.

"Stop ignoring me, it's annoying.." he whispers, pressing his head against my forehead. I squeak, and feel my cheeks become hot.

"Heh heh, you're so cute.."

"Nnn...V..w-what are you doing...?" I ask innocently. His tongue flicks out of his mouth, and he slowly and gently licks my soft cheek.

I squeak, and try and escape him, but he then pushes me back against the couch. Woah! This is getting pretty heated! Where's Eddie when you need him!?

I wiggle in his firm grasp, and he licks from my cheek down to my jawline, and then slowly down to my neck.
"V-venom..s-stop it.." I quietly moan out.
Wait, did I just moan!? What has he gotten into!? Why is he being like this!?

I try and push his head away from me, but he keeps on going lower and lower, until he stops at my collar bone.

He then pulls his head back up to my face, and he whispers into my ear.
"Now, you don't smell like Riot.." he then slowly backs up from me, and then he turns into Eddie. I sit here, my heart still racing, and my while body shaking.

"Umm..." Eddie looks at me with a nervous smile.

"Yeah...h-he tends to get...too overprotective sometimes..?" Eddie says for a terrible excuse.

I ignore him, and run into the bathroom.
What the hell just happened!?

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