|Chapter 11 - Fun Times|

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I sit on Eddie's bed, quietly listening to music from my phone. Eddie and Venom went out to get some food and snacks. We're going to do a movie night tonight so that we could just relax after what had occurred a couple of days ago with Riot.

And, after a long discussion earlier, I am now living at Eddie's apartment with him and Venom. Which, isn't so bad. I actually like living here with them. My apartment was so quiet..and boring. And I like it here much more. Well..besides the loud, disgusting neighbor right across from us. He's not the brightest.

Anyway, I was just cleaning..but I got lazy and I decided to lay down on Eddie's bed. Even though I have my own bed in the spare room.

I slowly sit up, and I click my phone on to see the time, 6:47. It's not that late. I'll make some dinner. I get up from Eddie's bed, and I walk out into the hallway and towards the kitchen. I set my phone onto the island and turn the volume up, playing music from my phone.

I turn and open the fridge, kneeling down and seeing what we have. Hmm..not much. Maybe I'll just make some pizza for me and Eddie, and some tater tots with chocolate for Venom. Just the usual. I don't feel like cooking anything fancy right now.

I close the fridge and open the freezer, grabbing a thick crust pepperoni pizza, along with a bag of frozen tater tots. I close the freezer, and I walk over to the oven. I set the food onto the counter, and I open the lower cupboard.

Now, where does Eddie keep his pans? Or does he even have any? Wait, if he didn't have any..then how would he make tater tots? I search through the cupboards, and finally, I find a pan. I set the pan onto the counter next to the food, and I gently close the cupboard.

I open up the bag of tater tots and I plop them onto the pan. I then open the mini-oven and set the timer, and close the oven, and wait.

I lean against the island, and I pick up my phone turning off the music. I wonder what my mother is up to? Should I call her? What if she asks where I am? Or if she starts worrying? Wait, has she been to my house since I left? I have only been gone for two days. She wouldn't of went there. Would she have? No. I'm just paranoid.

But..maybe I should tell her that I moved. Ugh, I need to think about this. This is all happening so quickly. Unexpectedly, my thoughts are quickly washed away by the sound of the home phone ringing on the counter. Hmm, I wonder who that could be.

I walk over and answer the phone.

"Hello? Who is this?"

"Huh, do I have the wrong number? Or are you at Eddie's apartment?" Oh shit, it's Anne!

"Uu-uh..nope! This is Eddie's home phone!" I answer nervously. Oh god, please kill me.

"Oh, is this (Y/n)..?" She asks, no tone in her voice at all. She really doesn't like me, does she?

I laugh nervously, "yeah, this is (Y/n).."

"Oh, well..is Eddie there?"

"Umm.." Oh shit, what do I tell her!? I can't just say 'no, I'm here alone..at his house'. Ugh! Just as I'm contemplating on what to say, the door opens, and Eddie walks in with a bright smile on his face.

He closes the door behind him with his foot, and he then walks over and sets the bags onto the island.

"Who's on the phone?" He asks quietly.

"Anne" I mouth to him. His smile falters into a frown, and he walks over to me.

"Hello? I'm talking to you" Anne says rudely.

"Umm, just a moment.." I say, putting the phone to my shoulder away from my head.

Eddie extends his hand, "let me talk to her.." He sighs. I nod and hand him the phone. He gently takes it from me, and I back away.

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