30) happy ever after

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"And that's when Gilbert and Anne finally decided to be more public with their feelings for each other. So there they had their second kiss, right in front of everyone. Then the years went by of them courting and it was all very romantic. But then, one day many years later, Gilbert got down on one knee and asked the question he had been dying to ask Anne for years. And she finally said yes."

The class clapped and hooted in happiness, delighted with the happy ending.

"Okay, class dismissed." Mrs Blythe called. She smiled brightly as she watched the children chatter and giggle as they packed up their satchels and baskets before skipping out of the school house, waving goodbye to her.

Once the schoolhouse was silent, she grabbed her pile of books and headed out. She walked down the steps and towards her bicycle. Huffing slightly at the weight of the unmarked workbooks, she shoved them onto the basket at the front of her bike.

A loud roar of thunder shook the clouds above as the woman removed the clips from her hair, allowing her long auburn tresses to cascade down her back. She tightened the buckle on her stripped pants and realigned her shirt collar before clambering onto the bike.

She felt a giddiness bubble within her as she raced down the road on her bike, the wind blowing in her hair. She enjoyed the thrill of racing back hoping to get home before the rain started.

Her house was like a beacon of light atop the small town of Ingleside. It was placed right at the top of the hill, and if you walked down the hill you would reach a large sandy bay withholding a beautiful beach.
The house was a large cottage, adorned with flowers along the walls and covering the front and back garden. There was a lovely white picket fence and honeysuckle grew amongst it.

She soon arrived home, and wheeled her bike upon onto the porch, resting it carefully against the side of the house. Picking up the books, she took one last look at the view outside, the damp rain clouds had darkened the normally spectacular view but she didn't mind. With one more cackle of thunder, she watched as the first droplets of rain pelted down.

Creaking open the front door she hung her coat up on the peg and dropped the workload onto the sidetable before walking into the kitchen.

There hunched over the cupboard was the love of her life. He was sniffing at a pan, that was full of a bubbling orange liquid, looking confused.

The lady giggled and approached him, rubbing his shoulders and ruffling his dark raven black curls.

"How's dinner my love?" she chuckled as he gave her a charming smile.

"it's not too bad, for a beginner." his warm voice replied.

"how was work at the school today, finish that story?" he questioned as he lent against the wooden kitchen table. A glimmer of mischief in his hazel eyes.

She ran a hand through her hair as she held in a laugh, smiling warmly at her husband.

"They all fell in love with the tragically romantic story of Anne Shirley Cuthbert and Gilbert Blythe." She walked towards him, reaching for his hands.

Their hands linked as they smiled adoringly into each other's eyes.

"i'm not surprised they fell in love, our love story is one very uniquely romantic one Anne-girl." He smiled as he pecked her lips softly.

Anne just laughed as she caressed her cheek.
"How has it been 11 years and my love for you is still just as strong Gil?" she smiled, as they rested their foreheads against one another's.

Tragical romance- a SHIRBERT storyWhere stories live. Discover now