14) oh shoot

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Anne ran into the woods.
Her feet colliding with the forest floor.
Her heart pounding.
Her breathing quick.
Tears welling up in her eyes that were full of rage.
Then suddenly WHAM.
"Owww!" She yelped in pain.
She looked down to see a large log.
I should have watched were I was going
She scolded herself as she rubbed her leg.
She pulled herself up. Wiping her eyes that were still sprouting tears.
She was tired and out of breath, she slumped onto the log.
As she tried to regain her breathing she thought over the events that happened less then ten minutes ago.
Why oh why did they put that on the board? What JERKS! Saying Ruby is better for Gilbert then I am!
I know it's true but it's still extremely rude!
and all my friends wanted that to stay on the board!
They are basically telling my Ruby is more important to to them then I am!
I know I haven't known them for that long but seriously.
And don't even get me started on Blythe.
How dare he have the audacity to put his hand on my shoulder. TO TOUCH ME WITHOUT MY CONSENT.
And to smile at me and say "jealous are we?" What a horrid boy!
He could see I'm annoyed and upset and yet he wants to humiliate me further.
And too think I actually wanted him to court me.
As if.
He can kiss my behind.
Why is my life so sucky.
Anne thought to herself,before bursting into tears.
As they ran down her face she heard the loud crackle of thunder and rain started heavily pouring.
She heard in the distance the footsteps of the people leaving school and heading home.
She got up quickly and looked around.
The way back home was now a big of slimy bog and slippery mud.
What shall I do?

I know!

Anne the turned the other way and ran.
She skimmed past the large trees as the rain heavily pounded on her skin. It hurt badly.
The thunder crackled and a bolt of lightning smashed down a metre away from Anne.
She screamed.
Then sprinted fast.

Then she arrived.
Her little story book hut.
She quickly dove inside,not looking up as she regained her breathing.
Then she heard a cough.
And looked up...
Oh shoot.

Tragical romance- a SHIRBERT storyWhere stories live. Discover now