26) return to the emotional prison

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On the carriage ride home Anne was deadly silent. She slumped against the left side of the cart and gazed glumly out of the window.

Gilbert sat opposite her in the cart and was watching her in upset. He didn't understand why she was acting so cold all of a sudden- but he suspected Ruby had unintentionally caused the frightful reality to come back into what felt like their own personal dream world.

Ruby was the only one talking in the carriage and unsurprisingly she was only talking about herself and how much she had missed Gilbert.

She wasn't even mentioning Anne and she didn't even ask about how they were feeling, she was so self-centred and arrogant that it made Gilbert sick.

Cole and Diana were half asleep with boredom.

The carriage bumbled along the rocky path towards the small isolated town of Avonlea.

Now he had seen what the rest of the vast world had to offer, every time he came back to Avonlea just felt like he was being dragged back to an emotional prison. But the only reason he ever would return was for Anne.

"Ooh and the balls in two days!!!" Ruby's words snapped Anne and Gilbert both out of their thoughts. Diana and Cole awoke sharply.

"Oh my dress is perfectly pink and luscious, your going to love it Gilbert!!! Mother said that she saw that Sebastian of yours going to buy a suit."

"that's nice Ruby." Gilbert grinned falsely as he glanced at Anne who was looking at Ruby in distaste.

"Anne have you got your dress?" Ruby finally addressed that Anne was actually in the area.

"Uh no..." She flushed. Since she had been busy worrying over her distinct lack of a date and the fact that they were lost in nature for a few days- buying a dress had completely slipped her mind.

"Shame, all the dresses in town are nearly sold out. Only the most expensive ones remain and we all know you and your adoptees would never be able to afford that because of how poor you are. It'll be such a shame to see everyone in such pretty dresses and you in rags- you'll  ruin the whole atmosphere. Best of you not to go if that's the case."

Anne and Gilbert were just about ready to attack Ruby. But thankfully at that moment they pulled up at green gables to drop Anne off. She didn't mutter and word but flew out of the carriage as fast as possible and ran towards Green gables and into Marillas arms.

Anne only allowed herself to cry when she was alone in her bedroom that night.

How could Ruby be so mean? so vain? and what will she do about a dress and a date?!

She was so confused.

Tragical romance- a SHIRBERT storyWhere stories live. Discover now