2) Reunited

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Third person
As Anne left green gables she said goodbye to Jerry, who had blabbed a lot of French back but Anne couldn't understand it so she just shrugged it off. She also went out of her way to stroke all the horses and give them a apple from the grand apple tree by the gate. Anne feels like this tree makes Green gables stand out amongst the other farms and she loves the thought of standing out in a crowd.
Once she slips through the gate, she starts swiftly skipping down the little path towards the school. As she entered the woods she could hear the birds tweeting their funny song and the sound of the babble brook washing the water down the stream, she could smell the range of fragrances of all the different flowers. She was tempted to put some on her hat but decided if she were a flower she wouldn't want to be picked especially when they look so beautiful with the specks of snow on them.
She was nearly at the school house when she hears a male voice behind her  say "Anne?"
She spins around. "Gilbert Blythe" she says smirking.
"I didn't know you were coming back... how's Matthew?" He asked concern in his voice
"Matthews all better now and I'm so glad to be back I love learning and the walks to school are always lovely especially in this season."
"I agree completely" he says , now walking next to her.
She could feel his hazel eyes resting on her face and his body next to hers.
She sped up.
She couldn't wait to see Diana!
As she arrived at the school house, Gilbert in close pursuit. She ran inside to immediately see Diana standing in the middle of the classroom.
"Diana!" She exclaims, and Diana spins around eyes wide.
"Anne!" She replies as they run into each other's arms.
"It's so good to see you Anne I've missed you dearly" she said, releasing the embrace and instead holding Anne's hand.
"Better put your things away the lessons starting soon" she said.
Anne goes and puts her hat and coat in the cloakroom before taking a seat at her desk.
The school day may of went by quickly for everyone else but Anne was an exception , she could feel eyes watching her the whole lesson. But she couldn't put her finger on who it was. She didn't dare turn around.
When the lesson ended she picked up her stuff and charged into the cloakroom. She quickly slipped her coat on and placed her hat atop her head. She then promptly made her way to the door.
"Can I walk you home?" She heard a voice say behind her. She turned to see Gilbert standing there inquisitively.
"Fine but not because I can't walk myself which I can do perfectly well I'm quite an independent person I'm just allowing you to walk me out of pure kindness" she explained, her heart beating fast.
"I understand" he said grinning before following her out the door.

Tragical romance- a SHIRBERT storyWhere stories live. Discover now