22) Well it seems shes returned

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Diana and Charlie walked silently through the damp vast woods. Both their freezing cold hands conjoined in a silent bond, one which would last for a long time.

The sun was slowly setting through the trees, creating a shadowy pattern against the forest floor and causing worry to build up in both Diana and Charlie's stomachs which were already dealing with extreme butterflies.

They came to a halt in the middle of a pathway which Diana and Charlie both immediately recognised as the path to school which was frequently used by Avonlea folk. Diana and Charlie grinned at each other, eyes shining. Quickly they turned away, their cheeks flushing cherry red.

"This is the path we walk to school!" Diana exclaimed in excitement.
"That means we are close to home..." it dawned on Diana that her little adventure with the boy was now over.

She looked upset as she gazed at the cute boy with shaggy brown locks standing beside her.

His eyebrows creased at the look of sadness in his crush's face.

"Di whats wr-" before he could finish that sentence she had pulled him into a warm hug. Both their hearts beat wildly,

"Bye for now..." she skilled at the boy who gave a shy grin in return.

She waved before sprinting away-her family must be worried sick- she had to get home fast.


Soon enough she arrived at the Barry Manor House. She attempted to pick some of the leaves out of the her ratty brown hair and attempted to brush off the dried mud that caked her stockings and was smeared down her once perfectly pretty blue dress. She knew her parents were going to go ballistic at the sigh of her- especially her mother-but they would be happy she's home... right?

Skipping up the stairs she slowly opened the front door to hear lots of chattering and worrying from inside, it sounded as if loads of people had been gathered to search for her.

"They are definitely in the woods somewhere." She heard a boy say calmly- Cole?
"Yes, in the woods alone!!" A higher pitched wail rang loudly- Diana immediately recognised Ruby's panicked voice.

Running into the room Diana was welcomed with an array of gasps and relieved but shocked looks.

"Well it's seems she's returned!" Mr Barry commented as all of the men he hired began flooding out of the room.

"Wait!" Diana panted in panic- everyone froze.

"Anne and Gilbert are still out there somewhere, we need to find them!" She exclaimed as they all nodded.

"Poor Gilbert!" Ruby wailed- Cole have her sharp look- "Anne toO!" She coughed lightly.

Diana rolled her eyes before slumping into a chair as her parents fussed over her.

Tragical romance- a SHIRBERT storyWhere stories live. Discover now