25) she truly wasnt sure

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They awoke to a loud pounding on the door of the wooden shack.

Anne's eyes opened briskly to find herself and Gilbert entwined in a warm embrace.
She watched as he let out a soft groan and his eyes fluttered open. His eyes widened when he realised how much of a close proximity their faces were.

"mornin princess" his husky morning voice sent chills through Annes body. She felt frozen into place.

He took this chance to begin to lean in slowly, already imagining how cute and passionate a morning kiss in a secluded cabin with the sun rising would be.

His lips were just about to brush hers when another, much louder pound came from the door. They actually noticed it this time.

Anne sprung up and raced out of the room and towards the cabin door.

Swinging it open with Gilbert rushing in behind her, she came face to face with Cole.

An abnormally large grin overtook her face as she flung herself into his arms. His face immediately transferred from shock to relief as he clung to her tightly and swung her around.

Gilbert couldn't help the pang of jealously that bubbled within him as he watched Anne and Cole wrapped around each other.

He coughed slightly and they pulled apart, finally remembering that he was there.

"Oh hey Gilbert!" Cole smiled, "we've been looking for you guys for the whole night and this morning. thank god we found you."

"we?" Anne looked confused.

Cole's grin grew.
"GUYS IVE FOUND THEM!!" he shouted and immediately they heard calls and footsteps.

Anne's heart nearly skipped a beat as Diana and Ruby came into view.

They immediately ran towards the cabin.
Ruby ran in first.

Anne's arms were wide open but Ruby ran straight past her. Confusion was evident on Annes face as she turned around.

She felt like she had just been punched in the gut.

There Ruby was, locked in Gilbert's embrace.
Anne felt like she couldn't breathe.
All this time away he led her to forget the events that built up to this.

Gilbert asking Ruby to the ball.
Their names being on the chalkboard.
Him taunting Anne.
Anne running into the woods during the storm and getting lost before finally arriving to her hut where they were already waiting.

All those memories flooded back in a surge of pain that hit Anne like an emotional cart.

She held back tears and her a deep feeling of anger as she whirled back around just as Diana raced through the door.

They enveloped into a tight hug as they both felt tears fall from their cheeks, although Annes were for more then just how much she missed her bosom friend.

As Anne hugged Diana she looked up and caught Cole's eye. He was leaning against the door frame, assessing the current situations.
She could see the sympathy within his eyes and she could tell he understood how she was feeling.

"you okay?" he mouthed silently.
she gave a weak smile
"i'm fine" she mouthed back.

But she truly wasn't sure.

Tragical romance- a SHIRBERT storyWhere stories live. Discover now